Now showing items 1-5 of 5
COVID-19 in China. The Great Wall of Technology
China is the first country to have faced an extensive contagion of Covid-19. The response it
has given, in terms of prevention and control measures, has been effective in eradicating the
virus, even though not completely. ...
Societal Vulnerability and Resilience in the COVID-19 Crisis
Despite the possibility of a pandemic had been seriously considered in professional circles, most governments were taken by surprise by the rapid diffusion of the SARS CoV-2, from first reports in China (December 2019) ...
The Impact of Corona Virus on the Socio-Economic Life of Nigerians
Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered
corona virus that can be transmitted through droplets from cough and sneeze. People who
are infected can experience mild to moderate ...
Everyday Life “Turned upside Down”: Disasters, Future and Resilience
Disasters change individuals and the social structure. Two categories are essential to study disasters: time and space. To these, we should add risk that is a cultural object resulting from interpretation. ...
The Governance of Resilience. How the Health Systems Have Coped with The Covid-19 Pandemic
After considering the reasons why pandemics are destined to remain also in the near future in our late industrial societies, a conceptual framework for the analysis of governance of resilience of health systems ...