Sfoglia Testi e linguaggi. Volume 10 (2016) per Data di Pubblicazione
Items 1-16 di 16
Comparaison de deux marqueurs d’affirmation dans des séquences de co-construction: voilà et genau
(Roma : Carocci, 2016)This contribution investigates the German response particle genau and the French response particle voilà within collaborative turn sequences in videotaped ordinary conversations. Adopting a conversation analytic approach ... -
Assertive strategies in English and Spanish: a new contribution to the debate on assertion in Romance and Germanic languages
(Roma : Carocci, 2016)Our paper analyses the way English and Spanish speaking informants build textual cohesion in a narrative task involving a non-prototypical information flow. The results are compared with those of Dimroth et al. (2010) ... -
Si ferai je, oïl, voire, et volentiers: quelques marqueurs d’affirmation en français médiéval
(2016)This article describes some affirmative markers of the Medieval French from a syntactic, semantic and pragmatic point of view. The choice of the affirmative marker is influenced by the preceding type of utterance. An ... -
Stratégies d’affirmation d’un élève ayant une déficience intellectuelle dans l’interaction avec son enseignante: compréhension et contribution
(Roma : Carocci, 2016)From a corpus of verbal interactions in schools (pupils aged 6 to 11 years), we propose to analyze the issues of different affirmation processes summoned by the teacher in a verbal context of conflict (theoretical frame: ... -
Recensioni e letture
(Roma : Carocci, 2016) -
Risorse linguistiche per la risposta affermativa in italiano L2: avverbi ed espressioni a inizio frase nelle produzioni orali (primi sondaggi)
Study on the expression of the affirmative answer in oral productions of Italian as L2. We study the two-way spoken language at various levels of proficiency examining a learning corpus, and observing the different ... -
Stratégies d’affirmation et gestion (co-)énonciative de la tension verbale dans l’interaction didactique
(Roma : Carocci, 2016)In this article, we will discuss the affirmation of a teenage student with intellectual disability when interacting with his teacher. This affirmation co-occurs when a variety of speech acts are performed and interpreted ... -
La estrategia de afirmación del italiano appunto
(Roma : Carocci, 2016)In this paper we shall be concentrating on Italian affirmation operator appunto. Our goal is to offer a description of the metalinguistic operation that it carries out. The study examines examples taken from two different ... -
Confirmer pour mieux détourner: marqueurs d’acceptation et modalités de transition
(Roma : Carocci, 2016)En même temps, justement and à propos, when observed in french oral speech, give us clues to understand the way the discourse is gradually built during interactions. Thanks to these markers, the speaker leads his way ... -
Quando affermare non è confermare. Per uno studio di sì a confronto con esatto, infatti, già (e okay)
(Roma : Carocci, 2016)In current literature on Italian language, notions of affermazione (affirmation), conferma (confirmation), accordo (agreement) are used to identify the functions of a subclass of discourse particles used in reply utterances, ... -
Sí, sí, estudio Lehramt, sí. El uso de marcadores de afirmación en el español de estudiantes germanohablantes
This article deals with the use of affirmation markers in Spanish as a foreign language by university students whose native language is German. The presented results are part of a greater project on the acquisition of ... -
Estructuras afirmativas y de (dis)conformidad en el ámbito de la negación
(Roma : Carocci, 2016)This article treats the interpretative problems that students of Spanish as a foreign language use to have with some affirmative and disconformity structures into the field of negation. We will try to analyze the formal ... -
L’auxiliaire do dans les affirmations non polémiques en anglais
(Roma : Carocci, 2016)When used in affirmative sentences the English auxiliary do is often characterized as expressing more or less polemical values. Yet do often occurs in affirmative utterances where no (potential) disagreement between ... -
Rôle de voilà dans l’affirmation: valeur confirmative et marque d’intégration d’informations
(Roma : Carocci, 2016)Voilà is a linguistic unit characterized by two groups of paired values and statuses: [signpost value + interjection status] and [predicative value + pivotal status]. From these issues, we formulate a functional hypothesis ... -
Oui et ses variantes en français: l’expression de l’accord dans les débats présidentiels
(Roma : Carocci, 2016)This article is about the expression of agreement in a particular type of talk-in-interaction: debates occurring between the two ballots of French presidential elections. The main way of expressing agreement in French ... -
Il concetto di replica affermativa e nozioni affini
(Roma : Carocci, 2016)Our paper analyzes different definitions of affirmation and related concepts such as confirmation, agreement, settlement, etc. The analysis leads us to defend the idea that these concepts have pragmatic nature and that ...