La littérature française à l épreuve des médias sociaux: formes d exploitation du réseautage social dans une perspective “facebookienne”
This paper aims to present a different perspective on the didactics of French literature in social media. The
objective of this didactic proposal is to direct the teaching of French literature towards a new educational
horizon by exploiting the potential offered by Facebook. In this regard, the creation of a Facebook group
where the high school class group can bring together in order to learn French literature becomes one of the
most effective ways to implement two essential objectives: avoiding the boredom of students and learning
in a dynamic way. The main purpose is to create a human social network for French literature learning in
order to motivate students to use social media in a cooperative spirit, by fostering the development of literary,
linguistic and social skills that will be of great importance to them in the future. Another possible purpose
is to encourage the study of literature, especially with reference to the “great classics” considered as outdated
and unprofitable for employment and reduce the subsequent lack of interest towards reading to the students
(Dufays, 2006).