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dcterms.contributor.authorMemoli, Rosanna
dcterms.identifier.citationMemoli, R. (2020). “Cultura, Mutamento e Sviluppo nell’Agenda ONU 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile.” Culture e Studi del Sociale, 5(1), 7-18.
dc.description.abstractA glance at the past has revealed that in the years of reconstruction after the Second World War a different distribution of resources, technological know-how caused a gap between developed and underdeveloped countries, generating rebellions and conflicts. Forecast studies, (Future Studies) and Global Planning showed that the risks of a progressive slowdown in development were largely due to the ecological limits imposed by the world’s finite resources and the inability of the biosphere to absorb the waste produced by men activity. Nowadays, the socio-economic and environmental context appears to be characterized by a “cultural emergency”; by a process of change that lasts over the long term and is distinct from “complexity”; from “globalization”; by the barriers that block the “Development”, hindered by a strong imbalance between men and nature and the inequalities. In this issue, the excursus within today’s instances that characterize the concepts of Culture, Change and Development is the background to the Essays, Experiences, Notes and Comparisons that intersect each other in an operational way, entering into the merits of the individual objectives of the UNO agenda within an epistemological, methodological and technical framework capable of suggesting ideas in the field of public policy design.
dcterms.format.extentP. 7-18
dcterms.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dcterms.titleCultura, Mutamento e Sviluppo nell’Agenda ONU 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibileit_IT
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