Contributi in rivista / Contributions in journals and magazines: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 584
For a New International Public History
(T. Cauvin, For a New International Public History, «Public History Review», 30 (2023), pp. 71-78, 2023)Proposed in the United States of America in the 1970s, the term “public history” is now used in various parts of the world. The internationalization of the field of public history raises various questions about its definition, ... -
A New Zeal for History: Public History in New Zealand
(A. Trapeznik, A New Zeal for History: Public History in New Zealand, «Public History Review», 30 (2023), pp. 79–88, 2023)Public history is still a relatively unknown term in New Zealand, an island nation in the southwest pacific with a population of around 4.6 million people. Until the late 1980s it was rare for professional historians to ... -
The Memorial Afterlives of Online Crowdsourcing: ‘Lives of the First World War’ at Imperial War Museums
(A-M. Foster, J. Wallis, The Memorial Afterlives of Online Crowdsourcing: ‘Lives of the First World War’ at Imperial War Museums, «Public History Review», 30 (2023), pp. 89-104, 2023)From May 2014 to March 2019 the Imperial War Museums launched a large-scale digital crowdsourcing project, ‘Lives of the First World War’. ‘Lives’ melded official and unofficial datasets to create an integrated database ... -
Davantage qu’une simple plaque… Odonymie et espace public
(C. Kesteloot, J. Rilla, Davantage qu’une simple plaque… Odonymie et espace public, «Passés Futurs», n.15 (2024), pp. 4-18, 2024)Ces dernières années, l’odonymie a été l’objet d’un intérêt renouvelé qui couvre de nombreuses disciplines. Lien entre le passé, le présent et l’avenir, la dénomination des noms de rues, dès lors qu’elle dépasse un ... -
Ecos de la Nueva Troya. Nomenclatura y gestión del pasado en Montevideo (1840-1940)
(C. Porley, Ecos de la Nueva Troya, «Passés Futurs», n.15 (2024), pp. 20-56, 2024)Se aborda la nomenclatura de Montevideo como instrumento moderno de apropiación simbólica del territorio y de escritura de la historia, desde la aprobación del primer nomenclátor republicano a la conmemoración de su ... -
A la vista del pueblo y de labio en labio. Buenos Aires y la toponimia de una capital (1822-1919)
(P. Valaco, A la vista del pueblo y de labio en labio. Buenos Aires y la toponimia de una capital (1822-1919), «Passés Futurs», n.15 (2024), pp. 58-87, 2024)El nomenclador urbano moderno de Buenos Aires tuvo, desde sus orígenes, a sujetos y sucesos como bloques temáticos prevalecientes, consolidándose definitivamente durante el periodo 1880-1916. Su utilización sistemática ... -
L’histoire au bout de la rue. Le passé dans l’espace public bruxellois
(C. Kesteloot, L’histoire au bout de la rue. Le passé dans l’espace public bruxellois, «Passés Futurs», n.15 (2024), pp. 90-125, 2024)Depuis l’indépendance de la Belgique, les autorités locales ont eu à cœur d’utiliser l’odonymie comme support de politiques mémorielles et identitaires. Si ce mouvement a d’abord porté sur les valeurs et les héros du ... -
Italy’s Public Memory of its Main Anti-fascist Martyr: Giacomo Matteotti in the Public Space One Century After his Murder
(2024)10th June 1924: the socialist deputy Giacomo Matteotti was murdered by a fascist group. After his famous speech in the Parliament, where he denounced Mussolini’s regime machinations, he was kidnapped, killed and his ... -
Placas de la “calle Marielle Franco”. Memorias en disputa en la ciudad y museos de Río de Janeiro
(C. M. Costa, C. Rose R. da Silva, Placas de la “calle Marielle Franco”. Memorias en disputa en la ciudad y museos de Río de Janeiro, «Passés Futurs», Odonymie et espace public, n.15 (2024), pp. 162-188, 2024)Este artículo aborda la disputa por la memoria desencadenada por el asesinato de la concejala de Río de Janeiro (Brasil) Marielle Franco. Los carteles callejeros fueron estrategias construidas tanto por los movimientos ... -
Politiques mémorielles, dé-commémorations et débats publics. Un entretien avec Sarah Gensburger
(S. Gensburger, C. Kesteloot, Politiques mémorielles, dé-commémorations et débats publics. Un entretien avec Sarah Gensburger, «Passés Futurs», n.15 (2024), pp. 190-200, 2024)Chantal Kesteloot a rencontré Sarah Gensburger, directrice de recherche au CNRS et spécialiste des questions mémorielles. L’entretien porte à la fois sur les différents acteurs des politiques mémorielles et sur les ... -
La République italienne et le patrimoine matériel du fascisme
(L. Dematteo, La République italienne et le patrimoine matériel du fascisme, «Passés Futurs», n.15 (2024), pp. 202-220, 2024) -
Memoria, cancellazione, spazio pubblico
(2024)Claims that are hastily classified as acts that want to erase history and memory are actually an opportunity to reflect on our public space and public memory. They run the risk of being instrumentalised by a kind of ... -
Spazio pubblico e memorie nelle pratiche della Public History
(S. Noiret, Spazio pubblico e memorie nelle pratiche della Public History, «Rivista di diritti comparati», n.1 (2024), pp. 21-45, 2024)The paper first discusses the hermeneutics of Public History (PH) as a discipline that responds to the needs of the present, describing its participatory methods and interaction with society and its various communities. ... -
Culture wars e potere giudiziario. Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti e Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo nel geo-diritto occidentale
(P. Annicchino, Culture wars e potere giudiziario. Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti e Corte europea dei diritti dell'uomo nel geo-diritto occidentale, «Rivista di diritti comparati», n.1 (2024), pp. 46-68, 2024)Judicial decisions play a decisive role in the transnational culture wars that cross many countries and have now become true global culture wars. This contribution, after some initial methodological observations, ... -
La Constitution et la memoire historique: progres ou regression du constitutionnalisme?
(S. Pierré-Caps, La Constitution et la mémoire historique: progrès ou régression du constitutionnalisme?, «Rivista di diritti comparati», n.1 (2024), pp. 69-77, 2024)Liberal constitutionalism, traditionally defined as the status of political power, also contains a self-representation of society, expressed by the concept of nation. For a long time, the concept of nation was unthinkable ... -
La memoria attraverso il processo. Tecniche risarcitorie e politiche di riparazione degli illeciti storici
Civil liability is assuming an increasingly central role as a tool of compensating for material or immaterial damage, in conjunction with or as an alternative to other emerging techniques such as compensation, memorialisation ... -
Memoria y cultura: un analisis del caso audiovisual espanol
(2024)Democratic memory is an issue that continues to be very present in public debate in Spain. Even today, there are still sectors of society that legitimise the figure of Franco, while the main right-wing parties question ... -
La storia, la memoria e il diritto
(M. Graziadei, La storia, la memoria e il diritto, «Rivista di diritti comparati», n.1 (2024), pp. 131-139, 2024)The present paper deals with the intersections between History, Memory and the Law. The emergence of human rights as a global system of protection is in part a response to the crisis of citizenship as a vehicle for rights. ... -
Angelo 1563. City of the Council. A Public History Project in Sixteenth-Century Trento
(U. Cecchinato, A. Paris, Angelo 1563. City of the Council. A Public History Project in Sixteenth-Century Trento, «Storia urbana», 2022, n. 173/2022, pp. 121-140, 2022)Il contributo descrive la realizzazione di walking tour per la app Hidden Trento, realizzata nell’ambito del progetto Public Renaissance: Urban Cultures of Public Space between Early Modern Europe and the Present (PURE, ... -
Il videogioco in Italia. Riflessioni e sollecitazioni tra studi interdisciplinari e Public History
(I. Pizzirusso, Il videogioco in Italia. Riflessioni e sollecitazioni tra studi interdisciplinari e Public History, «Italia contemporanea», 2023, n. 303, 2023)Con molto ritardo rispetto ai paesi anglosassoni, anche negli ambienti accademici italiani l’interesse nei confronti del videogioco è in rapida crescita, come dimostrano alcuni convegni e pubblicazioni recenti. L’articolo ...