Now showing items 301-320 of 470

    • Learning by Doing: Introducing Students to Public History through Digital Projects 

      Lucchesi, Anita <Digital History and Historiography, C2DH, University of Luxembourg>; Legay, Richard <Contemporary History of Europe, C2DH, University of Luxembourg> (A. Lucchesi, R. Legay, Learning by Doing: Introducing Students to Public History through Digital Projects, «International Public History», 2, 2019, n. 1, pp. 1-3, 2019)
      This article reflects on the process of building and teaching a course in digital public history for Bachelor students at the University of Luxembourg. The heart of the program was the hands-on, experimental approach. The ...
    • Review of Russian Exhibits and Media Projects on the Centennial of the Russian Revolution 

      Lipilina, Natalia <Historian, Founder and editor-in-chief of the Academic and Educational Portal “RU Public History”, Moscow, Russian Federation> (N. Lipilina, Review of Russian Exhibits and Media Projects on the Centennial of the Russian Revolution, «International Public History», 2, 2019, n. 1, pp. 1-18, 2019)
      The Russian Revolution of 1917 altered the fate and political landscape not only of Europe, but of the world. The article discusses the many exhibitions in Russia on the centenary of the Russian Revolution in major ...
    • From Theory to Practice to Problem: Teaching Public History with a Real Client 

      Thomas, Adam Adrian <Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA> (A. A. Thomas, From Theory to Practice to Problem: Teaching Public History with a Real Client, «International Public History», 2, 2019, n. 1, pp. 1-3, 2019)
      In many ways, teaching public history through real-world projects is a panacea. After all, a properly trained graduate of a public history program should be able to leave the theoretical world of the university and ...
    • Leading the Way: Teaching Public History for the First Time 

      Silva, Bárbara <History Department, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile> (B. Silva, Leading the Way: Teaching Public History for the First Time, «International Public History», 2, 2019, n. 1, pp. 1-4, 2019)
      This paper seeks to discuss some challenges and reflections on teaching a public history class for the first time, in a country with little familiarity with public history as a field, and with limited literature in Spanish. ...
    • Undergraduate Public History Teaching: How and Why It Can Change University History Training 

      Cauvin, Thomas <Colorado State University, United States> (T. Cauvin, Undergraduate Public History Teaching: How and Why It Can Change University History Training, «International Public History», 2, 2019, n. 1, pp. 1-3, 2019)
      This essay introduces the special section on undergraduate public history teaching. It explores its various opportunities, its challenges and some options for instructors to design their courses. In addition to presenting ...
    • Review of Russian Exhibits and Media Projects on the Centennial of the Russian Revolution 

      Lipilina, Natalia <Historian, Founder and editor-in-chief of the Academic and Educational Portal “RU Public History”, Moscow, Russian Federation> (N. Lipilina, Review of Russian Exhibits and Media Projects on the Centennial of the Russian Revolution, «International Public History», 1, 2018, n. 2, pp. 1-18, 2018)
      The Russian Revolution of 1917 altered the fate and political landscape not only of Europe, but of the world. The article discusses the many exhibitions in Russia on the centenary of the Russian Revolution in major ...
    • Politics of Memory and Cinematography in Modern Russia: the October Revolution and the Civil War 

      Isaev, Egor M. <National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia> (E.M. Isaev, Politics of Memory and Cinematography in Modern Russia: the October Revolution and the Civil War, «International Public History», 1, 2018, n. 2, pp. 1-4, 2018)
      This article discusses the representation of the era of the October Revolution and the Civil War in contemporary Russian popular cinema. It describes the modern tools used by the state to create new images of the past and ...
    • The Background, Development and Problems of Public History in China Jiang Meng 

      Meng, Jiang <School of History, Renmin University of China, Haidian Qu, China> (J. Meng, The Background, Development and Problems of Public History in China, «International Public History», 1, 2018, n. 2, pp. 1-4, 2018)
      This article traces the origins and development of public history in China, from its roots in historical memory in pre-modern times, through its role in shaping the nation in the period of modernization, to the emergence ...
    • Signs of the Times – A Historical Radio Feature 

      Etges, Andreas <Amerika-Institut, University of Munich (LMU), Munich, Germany>; Perl, Sophie <Independent public historian, Berlin, Germany>
      The article discusses ZeitZeichen, an immensely successful 15-minute radio feature that focuses on a certain date in history and is aired daily on German public radio. Using a concrete example, the authors show how ZeitZeichen ...
    • In Podcasts We Trust? A Brief Survey of Canadian Historical Podcasts 

      Picard, Nathalie <MA Public History Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada>; Marsillo, Cassandra <MA Public History Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada> (N. Picard, M. Cassandra, In Podcasts We Trust? A Brief Survey of Canadian Historical Podcasts, «International Public History», 1, 2018, n. 2, pp. 1-6, 2018)
      In this article, we highlight the exciting and growing historical podcast scene in Canada. We chose a variety of podcasts to represent the diverse institutions, communities and individuals who are telling histories ...
    • Fallen Monuments: An Introduction 

      Dean, David <Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada> (D. Dean, Fallen Monuments: An Introduction «International Public History», 1, 2018, n. 2, pp. 1-6, 2018)
      This essay introduces the special section on Fallen Monuments. It explores the importance of monuments as one of the ways in which publics engage with the past and explains why they often become sites of debate and ...
    • Envisioning the Past: Art, Historiography and Public History 

      Harvey, Karen <University of Sheffield> (K. Harvey, Envisioning the Past: Art, Historiography and Public History, «Cultural and Social History», 12, 2015, n.4, pp. 527-543, 2016)
      This essay considers the role that art and history might play together in public history projects. It discusses public history not in terms of ‘learning lessons’, ‘public debate’ and ‘transferable skills’ but instead in ...
    • Ottobre Partigiano: esperimenti di Public History per raccontare la Resistenza a Parma 

      Arrighini, Maddalena; Istituto storico della Resistenza e dell'età contemporanea di Parma (M. Arrighini, Ottobre Partigiano: esperimenti di Public History per raccontare la Resistenza a Parma, «E-Review», 2019-2020, n. 7, 2020)
      L’articolo propone un resoconto della rassegna organizzata dall’Isrec di Parma nell’ottobre 2019 dedicata alla Resistenza. Sviluppata in quattro incontri, aperti alla cittadinanza, sono stati affrontati diversi temi su ...
    • Teaching Wikipedia Biography: An Experiment in Public History 

      Huisman, Marijke <Utrecht University> (M. Huisman, Teaching Wikipedia Biography: An Experiment in Public History, «The European Journal of Like Writing», 7, 2018, pp. 29-43, 2018)
    • I campi di concentramento fascisti. La memoria italiana tra miti, silenzi e public history 

      Bolzon, Irene (I. Bolzon, I campi di concentramento fascisti «Diacronie», 35, 2018, n. 3, pp. 1-13,, 2018)
      L’articolo propone nella prima parte una sintetica rassegna delle tappe che hanno contrassegnato la progressiva riscoperta del tema dei lager fascisti da parte della storiografia italiana. Un percorso costantemente influenzato ...
    • «The History Manifesto»: a discussion 

      Noiret, Serge <Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze>; Verreycken, Quentin; Arnesen, Eric (S. Noiret, R. Delafontaine, Q. Verreycken, E. Arnesen, 'The History Manifesto' : a discussion, introduction by Serge Noiret, with contributions by Ramses Delafontaine (editor), Quentin Verreycken, Eric Arnesen, «Memoria e Ricerca» 1, 2016, pp. 97-126, 2016)
    • La didattica a distanza, dall'emergenza alle buone pratiche. Dialogo tra Giuseppe Fiorentino ed Enrica Salvatori 

      Fiorentino, Giuseppe <Università di Pisa>; Salvatori, Enrica <Università di Pisa> (G. Fiorentino, E. Salvatori, La didattica a distanza, dall'emergenza alle buone pratiche, «Umanistica digitale», 4, 2020, n.8, pp. 165-182, 2020)
      L'isolamento imposto dalla pandemia del Covid-19 ha obbligato le università a dotarsi rapidamente di strumenti atti a consentire la prosecuzione dell'attività didattica a distanza. Interventi più disordinati e spontanei, ...
    • Storia e archeologia di un ambiente montano: un progetto di ricerca sui paesaggi lunigianesi 

      Baldassarri, Monica; Grava, Massimiliano <Università di Pisa>; Salvatori, Enrica <Università di Pisa> (M. Baldassarri, M. Grava, E. Salvatori, Storia e archeologia di un ambiente montano: un progetto di ricerca sui paesaggi lunigianesi, «Il capitale culturale», XII (2015), pp. 773-801Il capitale culturale, 2015)
      Da alcuni anni un gruppo di ricerca afferente all’Università di Pisa studia la popolazione e i paesaggi della Lunigiana attraverso un progetto articolato in più fasi. In questo contributo sono presentati i primi due ...
    • Educational ecosystems for Information Science: The case of the University of Pisa 

      Casarosa, Vittore <Università di Pisa>; Ruggieri, Salvatore <Università di Pisa>; Salvatori, Enrica <Università di Pisa>; Simi, Maria <Università di Pisa>; Turbanti, Simona <Università di Pisa> (V. Casarosa, S. Ruggieri, E. Salvatori, M. Simi, S. Turbanti, Educational ecosystems for Information Science: the case of the University of Pisa, Education for Information, 36, 2020, no. 2, pp. 119-138, 2020)
      Interdisciplinarity is becoming increasingly important in education. With the rapidly evolving job market, an interdisciplinary education can prepare students for the flexibility and broad knowledge base required to adapt. ...
    • The Limits of Iconoclasm: Soviet War Memorials since the End of Socialism 

      Gabowitsch, Mischa (M. Gabowitsch, The Limits of Iconoclasm: Soviet War Memorials since the End of Socialism, «International Public History», 1, 2018, n. 2, pp. 1-6, 2018)
      There is a widespread perception that the countries of the former Soviet bloc removed all or most communist-era public monuments soon after the end of socialism. Based on a number of heavily publicized instances of iconoclasm, ...