Ingegneria delle strutture e del recupero edilizio e urbano: Recent submissions
Items 1-20 di 29
Mechanical behavior of web-flange junctions of thin-walled pultruded fiber-reinforced polymer profiles: an experimental and numerical evaluation
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2018-07-25)Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites represent a class of advanced materials whose use has spread from the aeronautical, mechanical and naval industry to civil infrastructure, which has generated a new set of ... -
La scuola per l'infanzia e primaria in Italia tra architettura e pedagogia. Proposte per la trasformazione degli spazi di apprendimento
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2017-10-12)Starting from the recent law provisions contained in the MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education) Plan - and aimed to revamp school buildings, this Ph.D. thesis has investigated methods and preliminary criteria applicable to ... -
Abitare la sanità: la riqualificazione dell'edilizia ospedaliera mediante il Building information modeling
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2017-05-22) -
Analisi dell’affidabilità sismica delle strutture isolate mediante dispositivi Friction Pendulum Bearings System
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016-05-24)The thesis investigates the seismic reliability of isolated structures with FPBs (Friction Pendulum Bearings) towards failure due to high vertical component excitation and friction coefficient variations. In the end, it ... -
Eredità e memoria di paesi abbandonati. Documentazione e analisi di centri scomparsi
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016-06-21)The issue of abandoned villages and towns is nowadays an important issue around which are articulated complex search paths that cut across several disciplines: from history of architecture and survey, from anthropology to ... -
Innovative GFRP sections shape and proportions in civil engineering structures
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016-06-22)Although traditional materials (steel, concrete, timber and masonry) still dominate the building industry, new materials are constantly being explored by engineers and scientists. For instance, the use of the so-called ... -
Proposte metodologiche per la progettazione e gestione del patrimonio edilizio mediante strumenti ICT
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016-06-27)The research starts from two surveys the first one conducted at national level by CRESME (Center of Social Economic market Research for the Construction and Land) and the other one conducted by NIST (National Institute for ... -
On the mechanical modeling and the optimal design of tensegrity structures
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-04-22)In this thesis, we investigate the use of the most fundamental elements; cables for tension and bars for compression, in the search for the most efficient bridges. Stable arrangements of these elements are called tensegrity ... -
Lo spazio di mediazione nella riqualificazione degli insediamenti di edilizia residenziale pubblica
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-04-22)In the last decade the Housing demand has become heterogeneous and transversal: from the socio-economic demand for job and housing, to the environmental one for energy supply and sustainability, up to the one for the ... -
Un nuovo approccio di analisi, gestione e controllo del processo edilizio sul patrimonio storico
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-04-23)The theme of the recovery of historical buildings is current, especially in a period in which, for known economic, financial, social and political reasons, interventions of new constructions and investment have declined ... -
A conceptual model to design recycled aggregate concrete for structural applications
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-05-05)This thesis proposes a conceptual formulation for controlling the resulting mechanical properties of Recycled Aggregate Concretes (RACs) via generalised mix-design rules intended at covering the specific features of ... -
Theory of plastic mechanism control for eccentrically braced frames: Closed form solution
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-04-22)Collapse mechanism control is universally recognized as one of the primary goals of the structural design process. The aim is to avoid partial collapse mechanisms, such as soft storey mechanisms, which are unsatisfactory ... -
Influenza del comportamento ciclico dei collegamenti trave-colonna sulla risposta sismica di telai in acciaio regolari o in presenza di "set-backs"
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-04-28)In accordo con i criteri della progettazione sismica tradizionale, la dissipazione dell’energia sismica in ingresso nei telai sismo-resistenti avviene in alcune zone degli elementi strutturali che vengono impegnate in campo ... -
Energy retrofit of residential buildings in hot climate
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-07-10)The topic of the research is to analyze the energetic efficiency of residential buildings in hot climates. The idea comes from the need to analyze the "case of hot climates" separately, as the European directives and all ... -
I luoghi del mare: storia e interventi di recupero dei waterfront. L'esperienza di Salerno nel panorama europeo
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-07-20)La crisi industriale degli anni ’80 ha comportato la dismissione di molte aree portuali e industriali e il conseguente abbandono di numerose zone sul litorale. Per molte città, persa ogni speranza di espansione industriale, ... -
Meso-mechanical analysis of steel fiber reinforced cementitious composites
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013-06-21)The mechanical behavior of cement-based materials is greatly affected by crack propagation under general stress states. The presence of one or more dominant cracks in structural members modifies its response, possibly ... -
Shear strengthening of masonry walls by FRP laminates: experimental investigation and numerical analysis
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-09-06)The present Doctoral Thesis reports a detailed study on the contribution of FRP composites to the shear strength of masonry walls under in-plane seismic actions. An introduction to typical damages of masonry due to ... -
L'impiego dei dispositivi viscosi e viscoelastici nella progettazione sismica di sistemi strutturali
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-09-06)Le tecniche di controllo passivo della risposta dinamica dei sistemi strutturali sono generalmente impiegate nell'ambito di metodologie di miglioramento o adeguamento sismico di strutture esistenti. Nella totalità dei casi, ... -
I solai in calcestruzzo armato del primo novecento a Salerno. Forme di degrado ed indirizzi per il recupero
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-07-02)Nella seconda metà del XIX secolo l’avvio su scala industriale della produzione di leganti idraulici (calci e cementi) diede vita, anche nel salernitano, ad un lento ma inarrestabile processo di rinnovamento delle tecniche ... -
A numerical and experimental analysis on the mechanical behavior of bolted joints between pultruded profiles and T-Stubs of glass fiber reinforced polymer
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-09-04)In the last decades, FRP composites have been widely used for constructing entire civil structures. One of the challenging issues for building with pultruded FRP composites is understanding the behavior of bolted joints. ...