Ingegneria meccanica
Immissioni Recenti
Applications of Artificial Neural Network models to Energetic and Propulsion Systems
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-04-05)Il presente lavoro di ricerca è incentrato sull'applicazione di modelli alle reti neurali artificiali (ANN) per il calcolo delle prestazioni, dei consumi , dell'efficienza e delle emissioni, nel caso di due diversi sistemi ... -
Future Vehicles: how to improve comfort and reduce discomfort. A comprehensive study of subjective and objective data.
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2022-10-18)Considering a vehicle as anything that transports a person or things (such as a car, a truck, a plane, a bus), in the near future autonomous driving vehicles, or vehicles with a high level of automation, are predicted. ... -
Topological quantum technologies
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-04-08)Precision measurements through engineered quantum systems are achieving new primacies in sensitivity and accuracy and therefore novel potential applications ranging from mechanical and electrical engineering to material ... -
Multiphysic modeling and numerical simulation of injection pultrusion processes: impregnation flow, heat-transfer and stress-strain analysis
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2020-06-19)The present thesis focuses on the study and the modeling of the behaviors occurring in injection pultrusion processes to produce fiber reinforced thermoset polymers. The high market appeal of pultruded profiles and the ... -
Magnetic refrigeration: an attraction toward our future
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2017-04-06)Magnetic refrigeration is an innovative, promising and ecologic technology, which aims to substitute the conventional vapor-compression refrigeration by the employment of solid materials as refrigerants instead of the ... -
Metodi fisico matematici avanzati per l’implementazione di modelli previsionali applicabili a fenomeni acustici e di interesse ingegneristico
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2017-04-12)In several engineering fields, it is of great interest the development of models able to produce forecasts of univariate time series; these models are based on the statistical analysis of the sequence of observed data ... -
Innovative procedure for measurement uncertainty evaluation of environmental noise accounting for sound pressure variability
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2017-04-12)This study aims to demonstrate the importance of uncertainty evaluation in the measurement of environmental noise in the context of Italian legislation on noise pollution. Attention is focused on the variability of the ... -
Definizione, modellazione teorico – sperimentale ed energy management di sistemi termo – fotovoltaici a concentrazione
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2017-04-12)The evolution in the renewable energies field led to search for solutions that allow the combined achievement of heterogeneous energy vectors. This theme introduces multiple levels of analysis, from the definition of new ... -
Optimal tuning of control variables in CR Diesel engines via Multi-Zone modelling of combustion and emissions with experimental testing
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016-03-30)The interest in Diesel engines for automotive application has dramatically grown in the last decades, due to the benefits gained with the introduction of Common Rail system and electronic control. A strong increase in fuel ... -
Sviluppo e sperimentazione di un sistema di ibridizzazione e del relativo sistema di controllo per veicoli convenzionali
(2016-04-05)Recently, the possibility of upgrading conventional vehicles to Hybrid Electric Vehicles is gaining interest. Among the different options for hybridization, researchers are focusing on electrification of rear wheels in ... -
Modeling and control of advanced powertrain systems and Waste Heat Recovery technologies for the reduction of CO2 emissions in light-duty vehicles
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016-04-01)Transportation is the major sector in the EU where greenhouse gas emissions are still rising. Therefore, in the recent years, the OEMs research and development has focused on the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) and ... -
Unsteady and three-dimensional fluid dynamic instabilities
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016-03-23)This thesis concerns with hydrodynamic stability of fluid flows. Direct numerical simulation (DNS) is used to investigate the non-linear dynamics of the flow and to obtain the basic states. We develop a new procedure (named ... -
Analisi sperimentale delle prestazioni energetiche dei fluidi frigoriferi tipo “HFO” candidati alla sostituzione dell’R134a
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016-04-07)The present experimental work was born from the need to expand the knowledge on the new type of refrigerant fluids, the HFO, representing the fourth generation of fluorinated refrigerants, born in response to the directives ... -
Test and development of a solar-hybrid vehicle prototype and turbo-compressor model for automotive engines
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016-03-31)In last decade, Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) have emerged as real alternatives to engine-driven vehicles, in order to reduce fuel consumption and emissions... [edited by Author] -
Supply chain management in the fashion retail industry: a multi-method approach for the optimisation of performances
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016-03-30)Fashion and Apparel Supply Chains work in a very fast-changing environment always demanding better quality, higher availability of products, broader assortments and shorter delivery times. Then, an efficient Supply Chain ... -
Caratterizzazione termo-fluidodinamica ed ottimizzazione delle prestazioni di un prototipo di refrigeratore magnetico a magneti permanenti rotanti operante a temperatura ambiente
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016-04-11)The main purpose of the present work was the completion and the thermo-fluid dynamic characterization of a Rotary Permanent Magnet Magnetic Refrigerator operating at room temperature. The experimental device consists ... -
Additive manufacturing of metal alloy for aerospace by means of Powder Laser Cladding: station tuning and clad characterization
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016-04-04)This thesis investigates the application of continuous coaxial laser cladding by powder injection as repair and cover process. The investigation aimed to check the possibility of repairing a V-groove geometry on a substrate ... -
Modelli di risk management nel project financing:case studies ed implicazioni per gli istituti di credito bancari
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016-03-25)L’attività di ricerca si inserisce nell’ambito del Risk Managament, con specifico riferimento al Risk Analysis e Risk Allocation applicati alla finanza strutturata. Le attività di Risk Management, con specifico riferimento ... -
Experimental and numerical characterization of heating domestic appliances for energetic efficiency improvement
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2014-12-13)Every year 5 million of boilers for domestic heating are sold in the European Union (EU). Because heating contributes to more than 20% to the whole energy use in the EU strategies for energy saving are of great ... -
Theoretical and experimental analysis of microwave heating processes
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-05-19)Thermal processing is the major processing technology in the food industry and its purpose is to extend the shelf life of food products without compromising food safety. Apart from the positive effect of food treatments, such ...