Now showing items 1-20 of 293

    • Investigation of the groundwater-river interaction, using Radon-222 as a natural tracer, in a karst Mediterranean environment like in the case study of the Bussento river basin 

      Guadagnolo, Davide (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2010-04-27)
      The naturally-occurring radionuclides have proven to be powerful tools for assessing the time dependency of GSI processes. The radionuclide 222Rn (referred to as radon) has the advantage of being a radioactive noble gas, ...
    • Some topics in fuzzy logic 

      Genito, Daniele (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2010-05-04)
      Si trattano diversi aspetti della logica fuzzy, in particolare: 1) le proprietà preservate da un modello fuzzy ogniqualvolta esso è sottoposto a qualche genere di modifica; 2) la programmazione logica fuzzy, la logica della ...
    • Highly Stable Multistage Numerical Methods for Functional Equations: Theory and Implementation Issues 

      D'Ambrosio, Raffaele (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2010-08-06)
      Functional equations provide the best and most natural way to describe evolution in time and space, also in presence of memory. In fact, the spread of diseases, the growth of biological populations, the brain dynamics, ...
    • Some topics in the theory of generalized fc-groups 

      Romano, Emanuela (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-02-15)
      A finiteness condition is a group-theoretical property which is possessed by all finite groups: thus it is a generalization of finiteness. This embraces an immensely wide collection of properties like, for example, ...
    • Le potenzialità dell’e-learning nell’apprendimento della matematica 

      Maresca, Giuseppe (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-02-18)
      La tesi indaga e discute le potenzialità dell’e-learning nell’apprendimento della matematica. Oggi la tecnologia dell’informazione e della comunicazione non è più strettamente legata a qualche quadro teorico. In passato ...
    • Automatic discovery of drug mode of action and drug repositioning from gene expression data 

      Iorio, Francesco (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-02-18)
      The identification of the molecular pathway that is targeted by a compound, combined with the dissection of the following reactions in the cellular environment, i.e. the drug mode of action, is a key challenge in ...
    • Synthesis,characterization and catalytic activity of organometallic complexes of group 3 and 4 with N-heterocyclic carbene ligands 

      Bocchino, Carmen (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-02-21)
      The synthesis and characterization of a zirconium complex, having two alkoxide funtionalized N-heterocyclic carbene ligands, and its behaviour as catalyst in the polymerization of ethylene and propylene, have been ...
    • Redox proteins for the development of biosensors 

      De Martino, Franco (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-02-21)
      In recent years the field of chemical sensors and optical biosensors has been developed considereably. A biosensor is a device composed of a biological component (Borisov and Wolfbeis 2008) that interacts with a target ...
    • A molecular dymanics view of structure and reactivity 

      Ragone, Francesco (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-02-21)
      The eld of computer simulations has developed into a very important branch of science providing a guess at the interactions between molecules to obtain predictions of properties as accurate as required, subject to ...
    • Lukasiewicz logic: algebras and sheaves 

      Ferraioli, Anna Rita (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-02-21)
      Classical logic arose from the need to study forms and laws of the human reasoning. But soon, it came out the di culties of classical logic to formalize uncertain events and vague concepts, for which it is not possible ...
    • Enzymatic synthesis of macrolactones 

      Fortunati, Tancredi (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-02-24)
      Macrolactones are a large and structurally diverse class of compounds. Natural products having a macrolactone structure have been isolated from many natural sources such as plants, insects, marine organism and bacteria. ...
    • Discovering hidden structures in high 

      Murino, Loredana (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-03-01)
      Il grande volume di dati che viene attualmente collezionato nei vari campi di applicazione non può essere gestito usando le tecniche standard di data mining. L’obiettivo principale del presente lavoro di tesi è quello ...
    • Design e sintesi di analoghi delle azumammidi, potenti inibitori degli enzimi HDACs 

      Cafaro, Emiddio (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-03-07)
      Le azumammidi sono cinque ciclopeptidi di origine marina, isolate nel 2003 da Fusetani et al dalla spugna Mycale izuensis e brevettate dalla Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical. L'interesse destato da questi metaboliti secondari ...
    • Multiscale wavelet analysis for integral and differential problems 

      Kudreyko, Aleksey (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-03-08)
      The object of the present research is wavelet analysis of integral and differential problems by means of harmonic and circular wavelets. It is shown that circular wavelets constitute a complete basis for L2[0; 1] functions, ...
    • Simulation and optimization of supply chains and networks using a macroscopic approach 

      De Nicola, Carmine (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-03-16)
      The aim of thesis is to present some macroscopic models for supply chains and networks able to reproduce the goods dynamics, successively to show, via simulations, some phenomena appearing in planning and managing such ...
    • Imbedding and compactness results in some function spaces 

      D'Ambrosio, Roberta (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-03-16)
      Abstract Nello studio di vari problemi ellittici con soluzioni in spazi di Sobolev S( ) (con o senza peso) definiti su un aperto di Rn, non necessariamente limitato o regolare, spesso risulta necessario stabilire ...
    • Multi-biclustering solutions for classification and prediction problems 

      Nosova, Ekaterina (2011-03-19)
      The search for similarities in large data sets has a relevant role in many scientific fields. It permits to classify several types of data without an explicit information about them. Unfortunately, the experimental ...
    • The neutrino interaction analysis chain in OPERA 

      Rescigno, Regina (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-04-20)
      The aim of the OPERA experiment is to provide a “smoking-gun” proof of neutrino oscillations, through the detection of the appearance signal of ντ’s in an initially pure νμ beam. The beam is produced at CERN, 732 Km far ...
    • Improvements in the acoustical modelling of traffic noise prediction: theoretical and experimental results 

      Iannone, Gerardo (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-04-21)
      Traffic acoustical noise is one of the most important component of the urban environmental pollution in densely populated areas all over the world. A very recent ACI-Censis study [1] on Italian urban areas shows that car ...
    • Efficient distributed load balancing for parallel algorithms 

      Cosenza, Biagio (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2011-04-29)
      With the advent of massive parallel processing technology, exploiting the power offered by hundreds, or even thousands of processors is all but a trivial task. Computing by using multi-processor, multi-core or many-core ...