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Integration by Sport and Physical Activities in Europe: An Introduction
(2021)Sport is traditionally presented and used as a vector of integration and citizenship for for-eign populations in all immigration countries. Leisure sports activities allow intercultural dialogue ... -
L’accueil des migrants par le sport : l'Europe à la croisée de philoso-phies politiques différenciées
(2021)There has been an unprecedented increase in the number of displaced people arriving in Eu-rope in mid-2010. The reception of these populations has resulted in controversial res-ponses and varying degrees of ... -
A Preliminary Impact Model for the Integration of Young Refugees through Sports Programmes
(2021)This paper outlines a provisional impact model for the social integration of young refugees in German sports clubs through sports programmes. The questions ‘what works, under what circumstances, and for whom?’ are ... -
Calcio, soggettività e immaginari nell’esperienza dei “minori non accompagnati”
(2021)Based on a qualitative research that has involved young migrants belonging to the norma-tive category of unaccompanied minors according to the Italian Law, hosted in centres of the Sistema di Accoglienza ... -
“J’ai totalement confiance en mon équipe!” Des filles issues de la migration s’engagent dans le football en Suisse romande
(2021)This article is based on ethnographic research conducted with female soccer players of mi-grant background playing in three 4th league teams in French-speaking Switzerland. We present a reflection on the ... -
Beyond Diversity. A Look at the Social Integration Paths in Sport Practices
(2021)The article examines the unifying and identifying role of sport and sheds light on the paths of social integration through sports practice. The goal is to provide useful elements for the reasoning that the social sciences ... -
I valori dei giovani e la trasmissione intergenerazionale: una ricerca esplorativa durante l’emergenza Covid-19
(2021)The purpose of this contribution is to study the importance of values and the intergenerational transmission from the point of view of the z generation. Through the Evs2018 data and a case study that involved ... -
Tre narrazioni giornalistiche sul rapporto tra razza e sport: il caso dei “naturalizzati” italiani a Rio 2016
(2021)By analysing journalistic pieces related to the biographies of "naturalised" athletes, this ar-ticle highlights the cultural assimilation functions attributed to sport proposed in two majorItalian newspapers during the ... -
Sport as a Tool for Integration and Social Inclusion. The Case Study “EsportInclou” of the Sport Institute of Barcelona
(2021)The note intends to introduce some specific points of reflection about how the “diversity”, in various forms, can be reduced through physical activity and sport practice. First of all, the note will introduce ...