Scienze matematiche, fisiche ed informatiche
Immissioni Recenti
Geometries associated with Von Dick Groups
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-05-04)This thesis contains a theoretical result in the eld of group actions on combinatorial structures, which is an important area of research, bringing forth some thirty publications per year. Besides its applications, mostly ... -
Using Structural and Semantic Information to Support Software Refactoring
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-07-20)In the software life cycle the internal structure of the system undergoes continuous modifications. These changes push away the source code from its original design, often reducing its quality. In such cases refactoring ... -
Search-based approaches for software development effort estimation
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-06-19)Effort estimation is a critical activity for planning and monitoring software project development and for delivering the product on time and within budget. Significant over or under-estimates expose a software project to ... -
Virtual worlds for education: methodology, interaction and evaluation
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2014-05-20)When students arrive in the classroom they expect to be involved in immersive, fun and challenging learning experiences. There is a high risk that they become quickly bored by the traditional instructional methods. The ... -
Metodi innovativi di Information Fusion per la crittografia
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2014-05-14)Nel presente lavoro viene mostrato un sistema per realizzare un codice crittografico, che sia utilizzabile per garantire un alto livello di segretezza usando tecniche di Information Fusion (IF). Nel dettaglio, si è deciso ... -
Il problema dell'allocazione dei prodotti nei magazzini: modelli matematici ed approcci euristici
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013-04-08)Il lavoro di tesi ha avuto l’obiettivo di studiare ed approfondire le problematiche relative alla gestione efficiente del magazzino ed in particolare lo studio del problema di allocazione dei prodotti ai punti di stoccaggio ... -
Some group properties associated with two-variable words
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013-04-03)Let w(x; y) be a word in two variables and W the variety determined by w. In this thesis, which includes a work made in collaboration with C. Nicotera [5], we raise the following question: if for every pair of elements ... -
Modeling and Optimization of Aircraft Departure
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013-04-08)In this work we introduce a mathematical model to improve the aircraft departures planning system. The objective is to maximize the airport performances, minimize delays in the runway operations and to support the air ... -
Supporting learning activities in virtual worlds: methods, tools and evaluation
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013-02-27)Continuing advances and reduced costs in computational power, graphics and network bandwidth let 3D immersive multi‐user Virtual Worlds (VWs) become increasingly accessible while offering an improved and engaging quality ... -
Gaussian and non-Gaussian resources in Quantum Information
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013-04-05)This dissertation was carried out within the framework of the Quantum Information (QI). In particular, I have analyzed the main aspects: the protocol, the quantum states, the conditional measurements, and the decoherence. The ... -
Maximum principles, entire solutions and removable singularities of fully nonlinear second order equations
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013-04-03)This PhD thesis is devoted to some qualitative aspect of viscosity solutions of nonlinear second order elliptic partial di erential equations of the form F(x; u(x);Du(x);D2u(x)) = f(x)... [edited by Author] -
Deformazioni del suolo in aree vulcaniche: applicazioni ai Campi Flegrei e a Stromboli
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013-04-02)Nella notte tra il 24 e 25 agosto del 79 d.C. villaggi e città vennero distrutti e migliaia di persone persero la vita per l' improvvisa eruzione del Vesuvio. Le rovine di Pompei ed Ercolano, sepolte e conservate dai ... -
High-sensitivity strain measurements from underground interferometric stations: geodynamic phenomena at Gran Sasso and first records from Canfranc
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013-03-11)Earth's surface and interior continuously deform as a result of geological and geophys- ical processes. To study these phenomena and to understand better the rheological properties of the Earth, measurements of Earth's ... -
Quantumness of gaussian and non-gaussian states in the optical domain
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013-04-04)The Dissertation Quantumness of Gaussian and non-Gaussian states in the op- tical domain collects my personal both theoretical and experimental contribu- tions, in the context of the Quantum Information theory in continuous ...