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dc.contributor.authorCascone, Sara-
dc.contributor.authorLamberti, Gaetano-
dc.contributor.authorTitomanlio, Giuseppe-
dc.identifier.citationCascone S, Lamberti G, Titomanlio G. Designing in-vitro systems to simulate the in-vivo permeability of drugs. Translational Medicine @ UniSa 2014;10(5):14-21-
dc.description.abstractIn this work an engineering approach, consisting in an experimental procedure and a model to derive the data, was presented and applied to improve the testing methods of pharmaceuticals. The permeability of several active molecules have been evaluated across a synthetic membrane. The permeability of these drugs measured through the artificial membrane were successfully correlated to their in-vivo permeability. The relationship with in-vivo permeability was derived, and then a rule to design systems to simulate the intestinal absorption was proposed to reduce the need for expensive and ethical problematic in-vivo measurementsen_US
dc.format.extentP. 14-21en_US
dc.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoen_US
dc.subjectArtificial membranesen_US
dc.subjectFranz cellen_US
dc.subjectIn-vitro/in-vivo correlationsen_US
dc.subjectStokes radiusen_US
dc.subjectOral deliveryen_US
dc.titleDesigning in-vitro systems to simulate the in-vivo permeability of drugsen_US
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Translational Medicine @ UniSa. Volume 10 (sept.-dec. 2014)

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