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Title: Umanesimo e post-umanesimo: lo sguardo della pedagogia generale
Authors: Vitale, Valeria
Sibilio, Maurizio
Visconti, Elena
Keywords: Umanesimo;Post-umanesimo;Pedagogia generale
Issue Date: 13-May-2016
Publisher: Universita degli studi di Salerno
Abstract: The purpose of this PhD thesis is to examine in a pedagogical vision the transition period of the crisis of classical and philological humanism through the arrival and obsolescence of human sciences, up to the current current system which is called by many a kind of post humanism. This transition brings a new kind of pedagogical theorizing, from the context and frame in the sense of humanism to the context and frame of the sense of post humanism. This thesis signals the passage from a supporting framework which is modeled on philosophy to a framework which is based on techno-biology and neurobiology, passing through the crisis of the so-called human sciences. Along the way, the theorietical inquiry is centered on the bipolarization of humanism/post humanism. Such dialectic radicalization is represented, within the philosophical horizon, by the development of positions such as that of Jacques Martin(philosophical humanist) and of Peter Sloterdijk (post humanism philosopher). The form of the theoretical approach is developed through a critical analysis of the current biological and techno-biological paradigm represented by positions such as those of Edoardo Boncinelli and Giacomo Rizzolatti, who seek their supporting frameworks in biology, as the latest of the human sciences. [edited by Author]
Description: 2014-2015
Appears in Collections:Metodologia della ricerca educativa e della ricerca formativa

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