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Authors: Preterossi, Geminello
Sica, Salvatore
Abstract: This essay proposes a comparison among three recent topics: the civic access right, the administration transparency and the law on public communication. The main goal of the present study is to prove that, only through a full application of the law 150/2000 and the employment of professional figures like journalists and public relators in public administration, it is possible to realize what the deputy Filippo Turati, in 1908, called “the glass house” in regard to the public administration, an expression which is still in use to indicate the citizen’s need to be granted a wider access to public administration, as a fundamental opportunity of participative action in the civil society. An effective and professional communication about the activities and life in public administrations is the necessary condition to grant transparency and positive finalization of those policies directed to ensure the basic services to citizens. ... [edited by Author]
Description: 2015 - 2016
Appears in Collections:Informazione e comunicazione

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