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dcterms.contributor.authorTheiner, Irene-
dcterms.identifier.citationTheiner, Irene, “La traducción de guías para migrantes: atravesando territorios y culturas.” «Testi e linguaggi» 8(2014): 201-214. [Studi monografici. Traduzione per le aziende, il territorio, l’editoria: teoria, prassi, didattica, a cura di Sergio Lubello, Rosario Pellegrino e Valeria Anna Vaccaro]it_IT
dc.description.abstractThis paper aims to highlight potentially discriminatory attitudes in discourse and translation practices about migrants. The socio-cognitive aspects of discourses produced and translated within services for migrants will be considered from a non-essentialist but experientialist view of cultural configurations. From a cognitive linguistic approach I will analyze the Italian-to-Spanish translation of a guide for Peruvian migrants. The paper focuses on those linguistic-discursive phenomena which shape the representation of migrants and their relationships to the host society, mainly how the expressions of subjective or objective construal and the impersonalisation strategies were translated.it_IT
dcterms.format.extentP. 201-214it_IT
dcterms.publisher.alternativeRoma : Carocciit_IT
dcterms.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dcterms.titleLa traducción de guías para migrantes: atravesando territorios y culturasit_IT
dcterms.typeJournal Articleit_IT
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Testi e linguaggi. Vol.8 (2014)

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