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Title: Leo Peppe, Civis romana. Forme giuridiche e modelli sociali dell’appartenenza e dell’identità femminili in Roma antica, Edizioni Grifo, Lecce 2016, pp. 512 – ISBN 9788869940323
Authors: Sandirocco, Luigi
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: The work, well developed from the point of view of the setting and adequately supported both documentally and bibliographically, presents itself as a precise investigation of the structure and relations between the terms civis, civitas and populus with feminine declension. In fact, citizenship is the key that allows reading and rereading the condition of women in Rome, in a clearly unequal society.
ISSN: 2385-2445
Appears in Collections:Iura & Legal Systems. Volume 5 (Gennaio - Dicembre 2018)

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