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Title: К вопросу о дантовских влияниях в ранней поэзии Вяч. Иванова (1904-1919): поэтика прозрачности и отражения
Authors: Ланда, Кристина
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Ланда, К. К вопросу о дантовских влияниях в ранней поэзии Вяч. Иванова (1904-1919): поэтика прозрачности и отражения. "Europa Orientalis", 35 (2016): 343-353.
Abstract: This volume includes a section dedicated to the unpublished works of V. Ivanov: I. The comedy “Flowers of Death”, which was presented at Sochi at 1916, ed. by Andrei Shishkin (University of Salerno, Italy) II. The poem dedicated to Reinhold Glière (febr. 1924), ed. by Andrei Shishkin (University of Salerno, Italy) III. Lectures about Dante Aligieri, ed. by Kristina Landa (University of Bologna, Italy)
ISSN: 0392-4580
Appears in Collections:Europa Orientalis. XXXV (2016)

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