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Title: Конвергенция культур как проблема поэтики: Вяч. Иванов. стихотворный цикл “Rosarium”
Authors: Magomedova, Dina
Keywords: Poetical cycle;Lyrical genres;Convergence of Cultures;Rosarium
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Magomedova, D. Конвергенция культур как проблема поэтики: Вяч. Иванов. стихотворный цикл “Rosarium”. "Europa Orientalis", 35 (2016): 213-219
Abstract: The article proposes the thesis of the convergence of different cultural traditions both in the juxtaposition of the lyrical cycles of “Rosarim” and in the structure of individual poems. The poetic cycle “Rosarium” topically considered as a complex thematic-figurative unit, represented by various lyrical genres, in particular, the peculiarities of the genre of gazelles are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the creative history of the cycle, among the intertextual sources - articles on the folklore of A.N. Veselovsky and E.V. Anichkov.
Description: Titolo in russo, tradotto: The Convergence of Cultures as a Problem for Poetics: Viacheslav Ivanov’s Poetic Cycle "Rosarium"
ISSN: 0392-4580
Appears in Collections:Europa Orientalis. XXXV (2016)

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