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Title: Время и вечность в “Римском дневнике 1944 года” Вячеслава Иванова
Authors: Pyman, Avril
Keywords: Historical time;Mythological time;Church calendar;Philosophy of time;New Jerusalem;Roman text
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Pyman, A. Время и вечность в “Римском дневнике 1944 года” Вячеслава Иванова. "Europa Orientalis", 35 (2016): 153-159
Abstract: The article considers historical and mythological time in their correlation with the category of Eternity, peculiar to Ivanov’s “Roman Diary of 1944”. The author identifies in the imagery of the lyrics of “Roman diary” the interweaving of the oppositе categories: Christian holidays – with the astronomical zodiacal circle, God's – with human’s, eternal memory – with historical reality, light with darkness. Time in the lyrics of “Diary” is not linear, but rather round and the real, give rise to thoughts of death and Eternal return.
Description: Titolo in russo, tradotto: Time and Eternity in V. Ivanov "Roman Diary of 1944"
ISSN: 0392-4580
Appears in Collections:Europa Orientalis. XXXV (2016)

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