Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: http://elea.unisa.it/xmlui/handle/10556/4193
Titolo: La ricerca numismatica greca
Autore: Gorini, Giovanni
Parole chiave: Numismatics;Coin circulation;Coin finds;Archaeology;Ancient economy;Ancient history;Ancient coinage;Ancient numismatics;Roman numismatics and archaeology;Medieval numismatics
Data: 2019
Editore: Fisciano (SA): Università degli Studi di Salerno; Roma: Edizioni Quasar
Citazione: Gorini, G. La ricerca numismatica greca. “Dialoghi di numismatica. Protagonisti, prospettive, ricerche”, 1 (2019): 71-83
Abstract: An attempt has been made to draw up a concise balance of the current studies of Greek Numismatics through the analysis of the wide scientific production present in the different countries and in the main languages, with the identification of the principal and more complex problems which animate the recent researches, such as the internationalization, the regionalism, the relations with the different historical-archaeological disciplines, the economic ones, the production of the different mints and the monetary circulation between coins from excavation and from hoards, the relationship between coins of different metal, etc. The picture that appears is that of an autonomous and lively discipline, in full development, linked above all to historical and economic themes, but with some survival of iconographic and artistic aspects. There is also a reflection on the history of studies, especially in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and a hint at the organization of studies and research tools (manuals and repertoires).
URI: http://elea.unisa.it:8080/xmlui/handle/10556/4193
ISBN: 978-88-7140-989-4
ISSN: 2704-8225
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Dialoghi di numismatica. Volume I

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