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Abstract: Nowadays diseases tend to chronicle, mainly due to the increase in life expectancy and this leads to a state of polypharmacy. More than 1.5% of Spain's GDP is spent on pharmaceuticals and healthcare products. Complex chronic patients (pluripathological and polymedicated) account for most of the expenditure. The "Action Group A1" of the European Innovation Partnership develops in the "Active and Healthy Ageing" programme actions to improve the quality of life and health outcomes of these patients. On the other hand, the PITeS TIiSS project develops decision support tools to improve this scenario. An ontology has been developed as a tool on adherence. The domain of this ontology is mainly focused on medication adherence and measurement methods. This ontology gathers the necessary knowledge about the domain allowing the use of the ontology as part for is possible.
Appears in Collections:Translational Medicine @ UniSa. Volume 19 (jan.-jun. 2019)

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