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Title: Future of our Feelings: Sociological Considerations about Emotional Culture in Pandem
Authors: Simonova, Olga
Keywords: Sociology of emotions;Emotional culture;Emotional capitalism;Emotional imperatives;Sympathy;Compassion;Care
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Simonova, O. (2020). “Future of our Feelings: Sociological Considerations about Emotional Cul-ture in Pandemic Era.” Culture e Studi del Sociale, 5(1), Special issue, 211-225.
Abstract: The article is devoted to some aspects of the emotional culture of the late modern society, which will evidently undergo changes due to the new virus pandemic. The author draws on the opportunities that belong to the sociology of emotions, because emotions by their nature and function are related to overcoming of uncertainty of the future. The purpose of this essay is to review the main imperatives and contradictions of the emotional culture, identify some feelings that are a socially “sensitive” answer to the current circumstances. The future changes will probably become clearer, if we observe how the contradictions of the modern emotional culture will be resolved; for example, what development the simultaneous “emotionalization” and rationalization of social life will undergo. In the situation of crisis connected to the pandemic all the feelings will be involved, emotional norms and strategies of emotion management will be modified. The author believes that the moral individualism of modern societies will draw attention to the matters concerning social solidarity and moral guidelines, which could be viewed through the concepts of care, human sufferings and feelings that lie at their heart: anxiety and fear for other people, empathy, sympathy and compassion.
ISSN: 2531-3975
Appears in Collections:Culture e Studi del Sociale. Vol. 5, n. 1, (2020) Numero Speciale

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