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Abstract: Re-translation studies are gaining more and more importance within Translation Studies. The general premise of these studies is connected to the desire of identifying the strategies and methods of retranslation, which mustnecessarily be based on the actualization of the source text. According to these studies, the act of retranslating aims at adapting texts in the attempt of reconnecting the cultural and linguistic universe of the literary work with the contemporary age, taking into account both the change in translation practices over time and possible socio-cultural constraints and changes.Therefore, this paper, through the proposal of two case studies, the retranslation into English (2009) and Italian (2011) of Miguel de Unamuno's novel San Manuel Bueno, mártir(1931), tries to describe and interpret the translation choices linked to the lexicon, syntax and culture-specific items, laying also emphasis, when it occurs, to the different translation approach compared to the first published translations of the work.
Appears in Collections:Sinestesieonline. A. 9, no. 29 (Maggio 2020)

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