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Title: Quando è in gioco la Public History: musei, storici e riconciliazione politica nella Repubblica d’Irlanda
Other Titles: When Public History is at stake : museum, historians and political reconciliation in the Republic of Ireland
Authors: Cauvin, Thomas <Colorado State University, United States>
Keywords: Museum;Reconciliation;Nation
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: T. Cauvin, Quando è in gioco la Public History: musei, storici e riconciliazione politica nella Repubblica d’Irlanda, «Memoria e Ricerca» 37, 2011, pp. 53. Traduzione in inglese, When Public History is at stake : museum, historians and political reconciliation in the Republic of Ireland, (ultimo accesso 7 marzo 2021)
Citation: Thomas Cauvin, Quando è in gioco la Public History: musei, storici e riconciliazione politica nella Repubblica d’Irlanda, «Memoria e Ricerca» 37, 2011, pp. 53. Traduzione in inglese, When Public History is at stake : museum, historians and political reconciliation in the Republic of Ireland, (ultimo accesso 7 marzo 2021)
Abstract: This article explores the collaborations between historians and the National Museum in the Republic of Ireland. The author contends that the new collaborations between the museum and professional historians in the 1990s revealed wider reappraisal of the links between past and present. The collaboration resulted from the encounter between cultural and political demands – especially during the political context of reconciliation in Ireland and Northern Ireland – and historiographical redefinitions of the use of the past. Kevin Whelan’s work with the museum demonstrated how certain historians met the cultural and political requirements. Nevertheless, the author argues that the absence of public/applied history training prevented to go fully beyond the academic frontiers. The 1998 exhibition remained all in all built on the collaboration between two distinct agents, academically trained historians and museum practitioners, and not an autonomous Public History project.
ISSN: 1127-0195
Appears in Collections:Contributi in rivista / Contributions in journals and magazines

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