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Title: Superstizione, falsa devozione, sovrannaturale. Varietà lessicali e semantiche in Francia tra Cinquecento e Seicento
Authors: Devincenzo, Giovanna
Keywords: Marie le Jars de Gournay;Superstition;Lexical study
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Roma : Carocci
Citation: Devincenzo, Giovanna. "Superstizione, falsa devozione, sovrannaturale. Varietà lessicali e semantiche in Francia tra Cinquecento e Seicento". «Testi e linguaggi» 15 (2021): 99-109. [Studi monografici. Con il verso a fronte]
Abstract: This contribution focuses on the relation between superstition, false devotion and supernatural in Sixte enth- and Seventeenth-Century France, through the analysis of three treatises by Marie le Jars de Gour nay. A lexical study of the chosen sources will lead to the identification of brand-new results even foste ring a better comprehension of the specific context.
ISBN: 978-88-290-1290-9
ISSN: 1974-2886
Appears in Collections:Testi e linguaggi. Volume 15 (2021)

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