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Numero nella collana: | Fonti / Sources; 8 |
Abstract: | The contribution aims at highlighting how oral history and educative memories can be analysed in order to explore changes in teachers’ mentality in Italy between 1970s and nowadays. Public History of Education and its methodologies are going to give an important stimulus in order to reach the task. The database “Memorie scolastiche in video” (Scholastic video memories) set up by the University of Florence between 2020 and 2022, is going to be considered as the main source for this research. Teachers’ memories prove that some scholastic reforms, as the Mattarella Law in 1990 or the Gelmini Law in 2009, are perceived by people interviewed as benchmarks. Furthermore, interviews evidence changes in how “older” and “younger” teachers’ generation look at their job and its relationship with self-perception and private lives. |
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