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dcterms.contributor.authorMadoi, Roberta-
dcterms.identifier.citationRoberta Madoi, "Dall’archivio di una scuola elementare alla memoria di una comunità: un’esperienza di cittadinanza attiva" in Anna Ascenzi, Gianfranco Bandini, Carla Ghizzoni (edited by), Il patrimonio storico-educativo come fonte per la Public History of Education. Tra buone pratiche e nuove prospettive, Macerata, EUM, 2024, pp.406-417it_IT
dc.description.abstractThis paper aims to present the results of the efforts to promote the historical archive of the Antonio Stoppani Comprehensive Institute in Milan – founded in 1902 and still open – recently put forward as part of the broader recovery project launched in 2015 by the Stoppani School Association, in agreement with the Institute. The main purposes of the project were to put in order the archive and create its inventory, making publicly available its documents, extensive and still unknown, in order to allow the study and popularization of this precious cultural resource. The filing of the materials has made it possible to shed light on a historical-educational heritage of considerable interest, capable of offering multiple approaches of interdisciplinary research. By investigating these sources it was possible to activate educational paths and dissemination initiatives, aimed at audiences of different ages, interests and socio-economic conditions, discovering a cultural heritage in which we can recognize ourselves while promoting a community’s social cohesion.it_IT
dcterms.format.extentP. 406-417it_IT
dcterms.publisher.alternativeR. Madoi, "Dall’archivio di una scuola elementare alla memoria di una comunità: un’esperienza di cittadinanza attiva" in A. Ascenzi, G. Bandini, C. Ghizzoni (edited by), Il patrimonio storico-educativo come fonte per la Public History of Education. Tra buone pratiche e nuove prospettive, Macerata, EUM, 2024, pp.406-417it_IT
dc.relation.ispartofseriesFonti / Sources; 8it_IT
dc.rightsCC BY-NC-ND 4.0it_IT
dcterms.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dcterms.subjecthistorical archiveit_IT
dcterms.subjecthistorical-educational heritageit_IT
dcterms.subjectclass registersit_IT
dcterms.subjectprimary school in Milanit_IT
dcterms.subjectpublic promotionit_IT
dcterms.titleDall’archivio di una scuola elementare alla memoria di una comunità: un’esperienza di cittadinanza attivait_IT
dcterms.typeBook chapterit_IT
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