Items 261-280 di 6385

    • Unfinished Business: Rewriting the Past 

      Clark, Anna <Australian Centre for Public History, University of Technology Sydney> (A. Clark, Unfinished Business: Rewriting the Past, «Public History Review», 28 (2021), pp. 1–4., 2021)
      Understanding History’s history requires reading and analysing the texts it has produced across time, and the diverse historians who made them. In settler-colonial societies like Australia, understanding the power and ...
    • Erasing History? Monuments as Archaeological Artefacts 

      Baxter, Claire (C. Baxter, Erasing History?: Monuments as Archaeological Artefacts, «Public History Review», 28 (2021), pp.1–3, 2021)
      Following work on a master’s thesis about relocating monuments, the author reflects on the way that public monuments form an archaeological record of a society, arguing that by thinking of monuments as archaeology rather ...
    • ‘Who controls the past… controls the future’: A Case for Dialogical Memorialisation 

      Smith, Mariko <Australian Museum> (M. Smith, ‘Who controls the past… controls the future’: A Case for Dialogical Memorialisation, «Public History Review», 28 (2021), pp. 1–12, 2021)
      Ultimately, dialogical memorialisation is a way to promote critical thinking and engagement with these old statues, moving away from viewing them as nineteenth-century memory culture relics and transforming them into more ...
    • Set in Stone? Dialogical Memorialisation and the Beginnings of Australia’s Statue Wars 

      Scates, Bruce (B. Scates, Set in Stone? Dialogical Memorialisation and the Beginnings of Australia’s Statue Wars, «Public History Review», 28 (2021), pp.1–12, 2021)
      Memorials to white explorers and pioneers long stood (virtually) unchallenged in the heart of Australia’s towns and cities. By occupying civic space, they served to legitimise narratives of conquest and dispossession, ...
    • 'Remembering Aesi': Women's History, Dialogical Memorials and Sydney's Statuary 

      Lindsey, Kiera (K. Lindsey, ‘Remembering Aesi’: Women’s History, Dialogical Memorials and Sydney’s Statuary, «Public History Review», 28 (2021), pp. 1–16., 2021)
      In this article I draw upon a definition of ‘dialogical memorial’ offered by Brad West to offer an experimental artist's brief that outlines the various ways that a contemporary monument to the colonial artist, Adelaide ...
    • Dark Pasts in the Landscape: Statue Wars in Western Australia 

      Gregory, Jenny (2021-06-22)
      In an era of reconciliation and truth-telling, many have questioned the symbolic power of statues. A storm of controversy across the globe galvanised an electric energy in which many statues were damaged or toppled. Statues ...
    • Toppling the Past? Statues, Public Memory and the Afterlife of Empire in Contemporary New Zealand 

      Ballantyne, Tony (2021-06-22)
      This article explores some of the recent debates over statues, memorials and cultures of commemoration in New Zealand. These 'statue wars' are particularly focused on explorers, military men, colonial governors, and even ...
    • 'Setting the Scene': Statue Wars and Ungrateful Citizens 

      Lindsey, Kiera <Griffith University>; Smith, Mariko <Australian Museum> (2021)
      This article provides an outline of the current statue wars in Australia, England, America, New Zealand and Eastern Europe before reviewing the many of the acts of public history making these contestations have inspired ...
    • Flying Below the Radar. Civil Aviation Heritage in Australia's Northern Territory 

      Shanahan, Fiona (F. Shanahan, Flying Below the Radar: Civil Aviation Heritage in Australia’s Northern Territory,«Public History Review», 28 (2021), pp. 1–13, 2021)
      Australian government administrators and private enterprise took full advantage of the opportunities made possible by civil aviation in Australia’s Northern Territory. Yet, there is a common perception among Territorians ...
    • Collective Immersion by Affections: How Children Relate to Heritage Sites 

      Trenter, Cecilia (C. Trenter, et al, Collective Immersion by Affections: How Children Relate to Heritage Sites, «Public History Review», 28 (2021), pp.1–13., 2021)
      This article explores, through group-interviews and in terms of peer-culture, the ways in which pupils negotiate experiences from school-excursions to three heritage sites, Vadstena Castle, a former Royal Castle connected ...
    • A Brief Editorial Note on Relations and Megadungeons in the Digital and Public Humanities 

      Fischer, Franz <Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia>; Mantoan, Diego <Università degli Studi di Palermo>; Tramelli, Barbara <Libera Università di Bolzano> (F. Fischer, D. Mantoan, B. Tramelli, A Brief Editorial Note on Relations and Megadungeons in the Digital and Public Humanities, «Magazén», 4, 2023, n. 2, pp. 181-182, 2023)
      After four years of deep methodological reflections on our scholarly field, we are pleased to announce the publication of the first guest-edited issue of magazén, thus hopefully kickstarting a new trend in our Journal’s ...
    • A New Chapter in a Journal’s Life and the Broadening Field of Digital and Public Humanities 

      Fischer, Franz <Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia>; Mantoan, Diego <Università degli Studi di Palermo>; Tramelli, Barbara <Libera Università di Bolzano> (F. Fischer, D. Mantoan, B. Tramelli, A New Chapter in a Journal’s Life and the Broadening Field of Digital and Public Humanities, «Magazén», 5, 2024, n. 1, pp. 5- 7, 2024)
    • La centralità del cd.“Interesse ambientale” nella contrattualistica pubblica 

      Santoro, Ermanno (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-01-10)
      Il presente lavoro ad oggetto l’analisi dell’“Interesse ambientale”, inteso come tutela giuridica dell’Ambiente, nella sua concezione unitaria, connotata da un sistema omogeneo di norme; di poteri amministrativi; di ...
    • Un romanzo giallo sotto il segno dell'inferno 

      Cotugno, Anna Maria (2022-01)
      Nel saggio l’autrice conduce un’indagine intertestuale che evidenzia i termini del “dialogo” tra antico e moderno in cui la Commedia dantesca torna prepotentemente a costituire la fonte, sempre viva e attuale, a cui ...
    • L’esame del cursus dantesco in una nuova applicazione 

      Di Patre, Patrizia (2022-01)
      Nel presente articolo si descrivono le modalità di esecuzione del cursus dantesco, obbedienti sempre a schemi di una rigida simmetria. Tali lineamenti, assolutamente peculiari di Dante, si possono riscontrare anche ...
    • Federico De Roberto: la guerra in controluce, tra Storia e antistoria 

      Raffaele, Ferdinando (2022-01)
      L’articolo ha come oggetto la rappresentazione del primo conflitto mondiale negli scritti di Federico De Roberto. L’autore, dopo l’entrata in guerra dell’Italia, partecipa alle attività di propaganda a sostegno del ...
    • Il ‘Ritratto di Frate Ludovico Marra’ nella Basilica di Santa Fara a Bari 

      Sica, Riccardo (2022-01)
      Il saggio attribuisce a Donato Piperno o a Paolo De Matteisil Ritratto di Frate Ludovico Marra che è nella Basilica di Santa Fara a Bari. La duplice ipotesi attributiva è il risultato di un’analisi dettagliata,stilistica ...
    • «M’insegnavate come l’uom s’etterna». Per una didattica della salvezza nella ‘Commedia’ 

      Tambasco, Itala (2022-01)
      Scegliere di rendere la sua salvezza un fatto tutt’altro che individuale e ammettere che essa passi attraverso un processo di edificazione formativa ‘guidata’ è una trasposizione concreta del modo dantesco di intendere ...
    • Ivan Pupo, «Nessuno trionfa, tranne il caso». Le ultime novelle di Pirandello tra filologia e critica, Edizioni di pagina, Bari 2021 

      Onorii, Simona (2022-01)
      Recensione di IVAN PUPO, «Nessuno trionfa, tranne il caso». Le ultime novelle di Pirandello tra filologia e critica, Edizioni di pagina, Bari 2021, 291 pp.
    • Antonio Lucio Giannone, Ricognizioni novecentesche. Studi di letteratura italiana contemporanea, Edizioni Sinestesie, Avellino 2020 

      Paiano, Alessio (2022-01)
      Recensione di Antonio Lucio Giannone, Ricognizioni novecentesche. Studi di letteratura italiana contemporanea, Edizioni Sinestesie, Avellino 2020