Proteomic profiles of cultured cells stimulated with VEGFs dimers and search for natural compounds angiogenesis inhibitors
Some members of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family, such as VEGF and PlGF, and related receptors (KDR and Flt-1) play a key role in the modulation of angiogenesis, both physiological and pathological. For this reason they are considered valid therapeutic targets. Anti-angiogenesis therapy, despite the scientific efforts and promising results, is still suffering of some limitations.
In the attempt to produce a research that can facilitate the future development of new antiangiogenic therapy strategies, we realized these goals: 1) carry out an expression proteomic study of cell coltures, after their treatment with some dimers of VEGF family; 2) identify new natural compounds able to inhibit the axis of interaction VEGF/Flt-1 and PlGF/Flt-1.
We used gel-based proteomics to detect the differentially expressed proteins by VEGF, PlGF and VEGF/PlGF, in HUVECs and HEK-293-hFlt-1. Gels variability was also determined by principal component analysis (PCA)... [edited by Author]