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dcterms.contributor.authorGagliardi, Filomena
dc.description2013 - 2014it_IT
dc.description.abstractMy research has consisted in the examination of the two most important sections of the Pseudo-Aristotelian Problems, the XI one (Problems on voice) and the XIX one (Problems on music).The final product has been a work of translation, explanation and commentary on a selection of the Problems belonging to the XI section. This work begins with an Introduction and with a preface. It is the first detailed and extended commentary on a section of the Physical Problems. This is a collection of pieces of writing by Peripatetic school consisting of 38 sections and concerning the most different matters. The section in which I have been involved is an example of the typical structure of each Problem (question, answer presented as question, de-monstration). Moreover it presents a wide range of topics concerning all the phenomena linked to voice and sounds. Voice and sounds are considered in their being produced, (in their) being transmitted and (in their) being perceived and in connection with the conditions following sound phenomena. My comment on the one hand grasps general aspects of the Peripatetic conceptions of the sounds and of the linked phenomena and on the other hand suggests a detailed terminological study: all that in order to connect these texts which did not come from Aristotle's pen (at least in the form in which they have come to us) with authentic Aristotelian doctrine so that I have grasped similarities and differences with it. Problems indeed, reflect moments of philosophical thought either preceding or following the magister. Moreover into the extended chronological iter following their being composed in their present form (IV b. C until our era) they accept various material. After I finish my thesis, I promise I will return on this last aspect in order to highlight it better. [edited by Author]it_IT
dcterms.publisher.alternativeUniversita degli studi di Salernoit_IT
dcterms.titlePs. Aristotele, ὅσα περὶ φωνῆς. Introduzione, traduzione e saggio di commento (1-4; 7-23; 25; 29-30; 35-36; 44; 51; 54-55)it_IT
dcterms.typeDoctoral Thesisit_IT
dc.contributor.coordinatoreEsposito, Paoloit_IT
dc.description.cicloXIII n.s.it_IT
dc.contributor.tutorMeriani, Angeloit_IT
dc.identifier.DipartimentoStudi Umanisticiit_IT
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