Cultura Latinoamericana. Revista de Estudios Interculturales: Recent submissions
Items 121-140 di 192
Los gramscianos argentinos: democracia, estado y socialismo en Aricó y Portantiero
(2019)This research article analyze with a qualitative methodology the influence of Gramsci’s thought on the theoretical elaboration of Juan Carlos Portantiero and José Maria Aricó, Argentine intellectuals exiled in ... -
El retorno del “Oso” a América Latina. La política rusa en Venezuela
(2019)This research article deals with a qualitative methodology the reasons for the Russian support to Maduro’s government. The theory of the paper is that the growing Russian presence in Venezuela is ... -
De la intertextualidad al compromiso: 'Personal & Político' de Aurora Luque
(2019)This research article analyze with a qualitative methodology of Aurora Luque’s latest collection of poems, Personal & político (2015). The veiled reference in the title to the feminist motto «the personal is ... -
Gustavo Gutiérrez releyendo a Bartolomé de las Casas
(2019)This research article analyze with a a qualitative methodology the crossing two distant thoughts in time but belonging to characters whose ministry took charge of the silent rights of the rightsless and dispossessed ... -
Papel de la Ilustración latinoamericana en la gestación de la cultura integracionista
(2019)This research article analyze with a qualitative methodology the relevance of the thinkers of the Latin American Illustration in the gestation of integrationist culture. Among the main elements that ... -
Fronteras abiertas, culturas negadas: la inmigración limítrofe en 'Presagio de Carnaval' de Liliana Bodoc
(2019)This research article analyzes with a qualitative methodology the representations about immigration bordering on Liliana Bodoc’s Presagio de Carnaval, one of the few examples of the Argentine narrative that ... -
Orígenes de la independencia del español de América : Andrés Bello y su aporte a las teorías gramaticales posteriores
(2019)In this research article, the inquiry by Bello on the naming of tenses to signal its effectiveness and modernity is proposed once again. Much has been written about Bello, so our purpose is to take up with a methodological ... -
La fotografía en la literatura de Rodolfo Walsh: “Fotos” y otros episodios menores
(2019)This research article proposes to explore the involvement of photography in Rodolfo Walsh’s work, based on a broader research project studying the relationship between words and photographic image in contemporary ... -
Augusto Salazar Bondy y la dependencia económica de la cultura
(2019)This research article underlining with a methodological qualitative perspective the commitment that was registered in Latin America, at the end of the sixties, among several intellectuals for the construction of ... -
El Sacro Regio Consejo Napolitano entre historiografía y fuentes (Siglos XV-XVI)
(2019)This research article aims to reconstruct with a methodological qualitative perspective the political role played by the Sacro Regio Consiglio starting from the controversial issue of origins, also analyzing compositions ... -
A Complex Diplomatic Mission. Leonardo Donà at the Spanish Court of Philip II (1570-1573)
(2019)This research article studies through a qualitative methodology perspective the period between 1570 and 1573, when Leonardo Donà was ambassador of the Serenissima to the court of Philip II. In Madrid, the future Doge ... -
Una diplomacia a palos de ciego
(2019) -
'Veinte años' de Cultura
(2019) -
(2019) -
La protesta estudiantil argentina a un siglo del “grito de Córdoba”: una aproximación a su fenomenología
(2019)In Argentina the university reform of 1918 represents the iterat from which the student body is configured as a political subject; Since then, the work of this sector has been continuous, except for a few lapses, and today ... -
La función social de la actividad humana en Gabriel García Márquez
(2019)In this research article are analyzed with a qualitative methodology some ideas some essential ideas of Gabriel García Márquez, discusses from his work as a journalist and writer, in relation to his anthropological ... -
The relationship between migration and economic development: an analysis of the Mexican migration case
(2019)The objective of this research article is to highlight through a qualitative methodology the significant example of the relationship between migration and economic development represented by Mexican ... -
Prevención y lucha contra la violencia de género en México e Italia: semántica de las leyes y desarrollo de las políticas en un análisis comparado
(2019)This research article summarizes the chronogram of United Nations documents issued since 1993 to combat gender-based violence against women, analyzing the case of two countries in particular, Mexico and Italy, ...