Cultura Latinoamericana. Revista de Estudios Interculturales: Recent submissions
Items 41-60 di 180
(2022) -
El olvido que seremos, una historia de amor
(2022)The protagonist of the following article is not a historical person, an artist or the hero of a novel. The protagonist of this article is a work. A work that belongs to the genre of testimonial literature and that ... -
Relectura del sistema político chileno después del estallido social de 2019
(2022)The text provides elements to support three theses about the political system in Chile, namely, in the first place there was no return to a democratic system after Pinochet left the government in 1990 because that ... -
La emigración valdense en el Río de la Plata. Entre marginalidad historiográfica y realidad (siglo XIX)
(2022)The contribution develops within the complex problem of Waldensian emigration during the nineteenth century. Keeping in mind the historiographical marginality that characterizes the emigration phenomenon ... -
Procesos de legitimación de gobiernos con ideologías opuestas comparados desde una perspectiva del populismo: los casos de Chávez (Venezuela 1999-2013) y Uribe (Colombia 2002-2010)
(2022)Based on the study of the dynamics and manifestations of the legitima-tion processes of the governments of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela (1999-2013) and Álvaro Uribe in Colombia (2002-2010), the article shows the way ... -
Las instituciones democráticas a prueba de populismo: Una reflexión sobre las protestas chilenas
(2022)The social conflicts in Latin America and in the rest of the world remind us of the extent to which legal and institutional forms sacrifice interests and forms of life, producing painful inequalities and conflicts, and ... -
Construcción del imaginario y cultura migratoria entre los bolivianos en Argentina
(2022)Among all migrations in Latin America, those from Bolivia to Argentina represent a considerable and persistent social phenomenon for both countries. Bolivians’ predilection for Argentina reveals a ... -
El realismo socialista en el debate cultural cubano de la década de 1970
(2022)The Cuban revolution, in its process of symbolic formation, is articulated in a syn-thesis of the codes from the international socialist movement, concentrated in the USSR, with the elements of the national culture. The ... -
Hegel, Mariátegui y la libertad en el mundo andino
(2022)This research relates Hegel and Mariátegui. The first, a universal thinker of current relevance, has a vision of history and cultures based on a special conception of freedom, which marks the development of the spirit. But ... -
Paulo Freire: historia y utopía (homenaje en el cen-tenario de su nacimiento)
(2022)Presented are some ideas of Paulo Freire about history and specifi-cally his criticism of postmodernism with his ideology of the end of his-tory, the end of socialism, the end of utopia and the end of ideologies. ... -
Revisión histórica de las fuentes doctrinales para la enseñanza del Derecho Administrativo en Bolivia
(2022)The present work describes the surprising discovery of a bibliographical rarity from the XIX century, which bears the title of “Administrative Law Lessons”, and which is considered the first book written on this legal ... -
El uso del meme en las elecciones del 4-M: estudio de las estrategias argumentativas y de proyección de imagen de Isabel Ayuso como can-didata y alcaldesa de Madrid
(2022)The present paper aims to delve deeper into the representation of women in public domains on 3.0 platforms. Specifically, emphasis will be placed on the multimodal discursive analysis in the pre-vote and post-election ... -
El Don Juan Tenorio de José Zorrilla: italianismos e irregularidades traductivas
(2022)Any act of intercultural mediation, or of rapprochement between cultures, creates losses that should be minimized in a process of dynamic and revital-izing translation (Hurtado Albir, 2007). It is a negotiation ... -
(2021) -
Populist Left-Wing Foreign Policy: The Case Of Kirchnerism In Argentina
(2021)This article addresses the issue of populist foreign policy in Argentina and employs a multi-methods research that combines discourse analysis, fore-ign policy analysis, and historical political reconstruction of Kirchnerism. ... -
Negacionismo y posverdad en el discurso político institucional de Bolsonaro
(2021)The aim of this paper is to analyze Bolsonaro’s institutional political com-munication during the COVID-19 pandemic. The text develops the argu-ment in two complementary phases: on the one hand, by analyzing the ... -
Banderas, escudos e identidades. Una aproximación a la invención de la nación Argentina (1806-1835)
(2021)The image that the Argentine nation has existed since the Colony or since the Revolution and Independence has been questioned for three decades. New interpretations conceive that neither the nation nor Argentina were a ... -
Lázaro Cárdenas y Juan Domingo Perón: ideas y formación política de dos líderes populistas latinoamericanos
(2021)This article proposes a comparative study between the ideas and educa-tion of Lázaro Cárdenas and Juan Domingo Perón, whose leaderships are considerate as classical populists in Latin America, in addition to the ... -
El apoyo político-diplomático y económico de Argentina a Italia en la inmediata posguerra (1946-1947) contado por la prensa italiana
(2021)This article aims to piece together the economic and diplomatic relations between Italy and Argentina during the Second post- World War through the narration of the Italian press. The research considers ...