De la violencia a la palabra. Hacia la recuperación del espacio político
De la violencia a la palabra. Hacia la recuperación del espacio político
The present research article studies, in the context of the situation the
democracies in Latin America, necessary conditions to promote, from diverse situations of mere survival, the construction of effective political life
as an expression of spaces designed and practiced from and for coexistence. The characteristics and consequences of situations of “desciudadanía” generated by the violence produced by the imposition of relations of
power or relations of market competitiveness that significantly restrict the
political space are analyzed with a qualitative methodology. Emphasizing
the steps to advance spaces for deliberation and the construction of agreements, in the conclusions the article attaches particular importance to the
implementation of a political language of coexistence that redefines the
traditional discursive functions to highlight its function of transformation
with to the reconstruction of active citizenship.