Sfoglia Ingegneria civile per l'ambiente e il territorio per Titolo
Items 1-20 di 40
Innovative treatments for resource recovery from waste electrical and electronic equipment
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2017-06-27)The ever-expanding population, the increasing consumption of resources and the shortage of primary raw materials have addressed the transition of waste management strategies from the linear model based on the “wear and ... -
Vulnerability analysis of buildings in areas affected by slow-moving landslides and subsidence phenomena
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2017-06-12)Slow-moving landslides and subsidence phenomena yearly induce huge damages both direct (on structures and/or infrastructures with them interacting) and indirect (corresponding to the associated economic losses). For this ... -
La sostenibilità di sistemi complessi: metodi e indicatori applicati ad un campus universitario
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2017-07-03)The present research aims at defining a methodological proposal to evaluate the environmental performances of a complex structure, in order to reduce the pressures and the environmental impacts of the various activities ... -
The design of urban quality: innovative community facilites in support of strategies of urban renewal a methodological proposal
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2017-05-19)Currently, urban planning theory and practice is focusing on the renewal and enhancement of the existing urban settlements and no longer on enlargement and expansion of the city. Generally, cities are looking for the ... -
Tecnologia, modellazione meccanica e rinforzo strutturale con materiali innovativi di strutture curve in muratura
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2017-05-19)Parole chiave: Strutture in muratura, Algoritmo Genetico, Modello agli elementi finiti adattabile; Rinforzo, Materiali Compositi. Abstract: Gli edifici in muratura realizzati nei secoli scorsi costituiscono una parte ... -
Metaheuristic approaches for Complete Network Signal Setting Design (CNSSD)
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016-04-15)In order to mitigate the urban traffic congestion and increase the travelers’ surplus, several policies can be adopted which may be applied in short or long time horizon. With regards to the short term policies, one of the ... -
Advanced MBR processes for wastewater treatment and energy production
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016-05-11)More stringent standards on water quality along with the shortage of vater resources have led to the development of advanced wastewater treatment processes, in order to ensure the respect of discharge limits and the reuse ... -
Wastewater disinfection by AOPs: effect on antibiotic resistance and contaminants of emerging concern
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016-05-09)Urban wastewater treatment is called for facing different challenges worldwide, such as energy saving, resource recovery and resue... [edited by Author] -
Performance analysis of landslide early warning systems at regional scale
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016-05-10)Landslide early warning systems are non-structural risk mitigation strategies aiming at dealing with intolerably high probabilities of landslide occurrence by reducing risk through the reduction of the exposed elements. ... -
Modeling hydrological response of structured soils
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-04-28)The hydraulic processes that control the water movements through the soil strictly depend on the configuration and distribution of the soil pores... [edited by Author] -
Analisi sperimentale e misura diretta dello sforzo taglianti di fondo di correnti in canale a pelo libero
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-05-04)The manuscript presents the study that led to the design, implementation and testing of an innovative system for the direct measurement, in the laboratory, of the bed shear stress of flows in open channel. The related ... -
Un approccio numerico allo studio del moto ondoso all'interno di barriere frangiflutti virtuali e della stabilità della mantellata
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-04-15)La presente tesi di dottorato intende presentare i risultati della validazione di una procedura numerica innovativa per la simulazione dell'interazione tra il moto ondoso e le barriere frangiflutti emerse. Prima di entrare ... -
Studio dell'interazione tra moto ondoso e strutture marittime mediante modellazione fisica
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-04-27)Le aree costiere rappresentano sistemi naturali del tutto unici, così come unici sono i fenomeni che le caratterizzano. L’erosione dei litorali, divenuta ormai un fenomeno di interesse planetario, ha spinto verso ... -
Numerical modeling of traces in gravel-bed rivers
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-04-26)The erosion, transport and deposition of pebbles in rivers have often been studied by considering the motion of tracer particles. There are reports of bedload tracing programs in field and laboratory since the late 1930s. ... -
Antibiotic resistance in stream: monitoring, modeling and effluent control by photocatalytic disinfection
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-03-30)Since the 1940s, the ever-increasing use of antibiotics for human, veterinary and agricultural purposes, contributes to their continuous release into the environment due to incomplete metabolism or due to disposal of unused ... -
Sistemi di decontaminazione elettrocinetica applicati alla bonifica di sedimenti marini contaminati da metalli pesanti ed IPA
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-03-27)Principale obiettivo della presente ricerca è stato quello di studiare ed applicare la tecnologia di decontaminazione elettrocinetica per la bonifica di sedimenti marini co-contaminati da metalli pesanti ed IPA, utilizzando ... -
Analysis of DInSAR data in urban areas affected by subsidence or slow-moving landslides
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2014-09-15)Subsidence and slow-moving landslides systematically cause social, economic and environmental impacts all over the world. For this reason studies aimed at both the characterization of subsidence and slow-moving landslides ... -
Quantifying the risk to life posed by hyperconcetrated flows
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2014-06-13)In recent years, the disasters caused by landslides tragically increased due to the demographic growth and the indiscriminate use of land. Among the different types of landslides, flow-like phenomena - often simultaneously ... -
A methodological approach for the analysis of shallow landslides in non-collapsible soils
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013-04-15)Shallow landslides in non-collapsible, fine-grained soils are natural phenomena which, due to their simultaneous occurrence over large areas, often cause agricultural production loss, with enormous economic damage. Although ... -
La simulazione numerica come strumento di analisi del moto ondoso sulle barriere soffolte
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-05-11)Nell'ambito dell'ingegneria idraulica, in particolare nel campo della fluidodinamica numerica, la tecnica di maggiore impiego, per la risoluzione delle equazioni di Navier-Stokes e loro derivate, è quella euleriana. ...