Now showing items 441-460 of 554

    • Autobiografia e educazione Corpo a corpo con memoria, lettura e scrittura autobiografica 

      Bandini, Gianfranco <Università di Firenze>; Batini, Federico <Università degli Studi di Perugia>; Benelli, Caterina (Gianfranco Bandini, Federico Batini, Caterina Benelli (2020). Autobiografia e educazione. Corpo a corpo con memoria, lettura e scrittura autobiografica. Corpo a corpo con memoria, lettura e scrittura autobiografica, Autobiografie, n. 1, 2020, pp. 45-57, 2020)
      This contribution discusses the results from a working group on the topic “Autobiography and education” within the Symposium ‘Dialogue in Autobiography’ held in Anghiari on December 7, 2019. The educational practises ...
    • Pietre, memorie, inciampi 

      Bistarelli, Agostino (A. Bistarelli, Pietre, memorie, inciampi, «», n. 7, 2017, 2017)
    • How We Remember (and Forget) in Our Public History 

      Nunnally, Shayla C. (S. C. Nunnally, How We Remember (and Forget) in Our Public History, «Perspectives on Politics», 14, 2016, n. 3, pp. 764-765, 2016)
      Woodrow Wilson is the only American political scientist to have served as President of the United States. In the time between his political science Ph.D. (from Johns Hopkins, in 1886) and his tenure as president (1913–21), ...
    • Die Erinnerung an die Krimmler Tauernflucht 1947. Wissen-schaftliche Aufarbeitung, Vermittlung und Initiativen in der Public History 

      Hechenblaikner, Verena (V. Hechenblaikner, Downton-Mania. Die Erinnerung an die Krimmler Tauernflucht 1947. Wissen-schaftliche Aufarbeitung, Vermittlung und Initiativen in der Public History, «Historia scribere», 13, 2021, pp. 149-175, 2021)
      The following seminar paper examines the memory of the Krimmler Tauern-flucht, a journey of a group of Jews from Eastern Europe across an Austrian alpine pass to reach Palestine in 1947. For almost forty years, this ...
    • Downton-Mania. Die Fernsehserie „Downton Abbey“ und ihre Auswirkung auf die Public History und den Filmtourismus 

      Hechenblaikner, Verena (V. Hechenblaikner, Downton-Mania. Die Fernsehserie „Downton Abbey“ und ihre Auswirkung auf die Public History und den Filmtourismus, «Historia scribere», 13, 2021, pp. 31-55, 2021)
      The following seminar-paper examines the potential of historical television se-ries for historical science. Using the television series "Downton Abbey" as an example, it shows series’ effects on public history and film ...
    • Schools Facing Public History 

      Cajani, Luigi (L. Cajani, Schools Facing Public History, «Public history weekly», 6, 2018, n. 16, 2018)
      No school subject has such a close relationship with its own dimension outside school as does history. The events of the past are the object of countless and various public uses; artistic, political, economic and commercial, ...
    • Per una storia materiale del fascismo. In margine alla legge Fiano 

      Versari, Maria Elena (M. E. Versari, Per una storia materiale del fascismo. In margine alla legge Fiano, «Clionet. Per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi», 2017, n. 1, 2017)
    • More on Fascist Monuments and Buildings in Italy 

      Cajani, Luigi (L. Cajani, More on Fascist Monuments and Buildings in Italy, «Public history weekly», 7, 2019, n. 11, 2019)
      The meaning and function of historical monuments and symbols depends from many and manifold variables: formal features, location, social discourses, historical and political context.[1] For instance, a monument to a Soviet ...
    • 8 agosto 1944: Gropparello Liberata. Un progetto di public history alla vigilia del suo quinto compleanno 

      Meloro, Iara; Pigazzini, Alessandro (I. Meloni, A. Pigazzini, Alessandro, 8 agosto 1944: Gropparello Liberata. Un progetto di public history alla vigilia del suo quinto compleanno, «E-Review. Rivista degli Istituti Storici dell’Emilia Romagna in Rete»“, 2015, n. 3, pp. 1-8, 2015)
      Un analisi del progetto 8 Agosto 1944. Gropparello Liberata a cinque anni dal suo avvio. Si tratta di un progetto che coniuga public history, microstoria e storia orale per celebra re la liberazione di Gropparello – ...
    • At the crossroads with public history: mediating the Holocaust on the Internet 

      Pfanzelter, Eva <University of Innsbruck> (E. Pfanzelter, At the crossroads with public history: mediating the Holocaust on the Internet, «Holocaust Studies. A journal of Culture and History», 21, 2015, n. 4, pp. 250-271, 2015)
      For memorials, museums, and research institutions as well as for scholars and historians, the Internet has become an indispensable tool for the dissemination of knowledge about the Holocaust. These representatives of a ...
    • Gender e Public History: alcune considerazioni in margine ad un recente convegno (Firenze, 29 novembre 2017) 

      Savelli, Aurora <Università di Firenze> (A. Savelli, Gender e Public History: alcune considerazioni in margine ad un recente convegno, «Storia delle donne», 13, 2017, pp. 257-260, 2017)
    • Public History and Audience Engagement: Urban Space as Community Heritage 

      Guerra, Mariachiara (M. Guerra, Public History e Audience Engagement: lo spazio costruito come patrimonio di comunità, «ArcHistoR EXTRA» n. 7, 2020, pp. 1388-1409, 2020)
      The paper presents the topics of Public History and Audience Engagement, narrowing the focus from the theoretical and methodological issues, to several case-studies, developed within the urban scope of Turin (Italy): ...
    • Conoscere è partecipare: digital public history, wiki e citizen humanities 

      Paci, Deborah <Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia> (D. Paci, Conoscere è partecipare: digital public history, wiki e citizen humanities, «Umanistica digitale», 10, 2021, pp. 235-49, 2021)
      La citizen science (CS), “scienza dei cittadini” o “scienza partecipata”, indica la partecipazione e il coinvolgimento attivo dei cittadini in attività di ricerca scientifica. Mentre la CS include le scienze ...
    • Hardcore history: ovvero la storia in podcast 

      Salvatori, Enrica <Università di Pisa> (E. Salvatori, Hardcore history: ovvero la storia in podcast, «Memoria e Ricerca», 30, 2009, pp. 171-187, 2009)
      his essay wish to analyze several podcasts of historical subject, independent and institutional ones, that have simple popular contents or educational aims or commercial purposes. The analysis is lead on podcast in Italian, ...
    • Una Italian Public History per la seconda Repubblica 

      Ravveduto, Marcello <Università di Salerno> (M. Ravveduto, Una Italian Public History per la seconda Repubblica, «Officina della Storia», 2013, n. 10, 2013)
    • Social protest photography and public history: “Whose streets? Our streets!”: New York City, 1980–2000 

      Carroll, Tamar W. <College of Liberal Arts, Rochester Institute ofTechnology, Rochester, New York, USA> (T. W. Carroll, Social protest photography and public history: “Whose streets? Our streets!”: New York City, 1980–2000, «Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences», 57, n. 1, 2021, pp. 34-59., 2021)
      “Whose streets? Our streets!,” a traveling exhibition thatdebuted at the Bronx Documentary Center in January2017, brings together the work of 37 independent photo-graphers who covered protests in New York City between1980 ...
    • Le mieux est l’ennemi du bien». Roy Rosenzweig e il dibattito americano sulla public history agli albori del World Wide Web 

      Guidali, Fabio <Università degli Studi di Milano> (F. Guidali, Le mieux est l’ennemi du bien. Roy Rosenzweig e il dibattito americano sulla public history agli albori del World Wide Web, «ACME», 71, n. 2, 2018, pp. 179-198, 2018)
      Lo studio prende in esame il contributo fornito da Roy Rosenzweig al dibattito sulla public history tra gli anni Ottanta e i primi anni Duemila, una fase in cui il mondo accademico e quello scolastico iniziavano a scoprire ...
    • Editorial: archives and public history 

      Hoyle, Victoria <University of York, UK>
    • Public History e Patrimoine: due casi di storia applicata 

      Torre, Angelo <Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale> (A. Torre, Public History e Patrimoine: due casi di storia applicata, «Quaderni storici», n. 3, 2015, pp. 629-660, 2015)
      The work seeks to reflect on the alleged crisis of history today by comparing the different ways in which historical disciplines have developed outside the academy during the 1970s and 1980s. For that it tries to reconstruct ...
    • A duty, an opportunity and a pleasure”: connecting archives and public history 

      Haunton, Melinda <Archive Sector Development, The National Archives, London> (M Haunton, G. Salzedo, A duty, an opportunity and a pleasure: connecting archives and public history, «Archives and Records», 42, n. 1, 2021, pp. 40-57, 2021)
      This article explores the intersection of public history and archives, with particular reference to the practice of promoting broad participation in interpreting the historical past. Key concepts in public history such as ...