Ingegneria meccanica: Recent submissions
Items 21-40 di 44
Modello dinamico di un veicolo cingolato
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-04-24)L'obiettivo della tesi e la modellazione dinamica di un veicolo cingolato o -road, e lo sviluppo di una legge di controllo che lo renda autonomo. L'obiettivo del controllo, e rendere il veicolo capace di operare in ... -
Development and experimental validation of CPOx reforming dynamic model for fault detection and isolation in SOFC systems
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2015-06-13)In the present work an investigation of the reforming technologies available for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) systems and their basic concepts has been carried out, with the aim to describe, test and simulate the reforming ... -
Stabilità di flussi in cavità aperte
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2014-09-12)Negli ultimi venti anni il costo dei carburanti ha subito un notevole aumento con un significativo impatto sui costi del trasporto aeronautico. Inoltre, la Comunità Europea ha lanciato una politica di salvaguardia dell’ambiente ... -
Receptivity in transition prediction
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2014-09-12)The laminar-turbulent transition is a complex phenomenon involved in several multidisciplinary design issues, such as skin friction drag reduction, anti-icing and de-icing system performance prediction and heat transfer ... -
Development of a model-based diagnosis algorithm oriented towards solid oxide fuel cell systems: approach and application
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2014-07-07)The present dissertation illustrates the complete procedure of developing a model-based diagnosis algorithm and shows its application to a pre-commercial Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) system. The main motivations of this ... -
Dry clutch for automated manual transmissions. Structural analysis and control strategies
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2014-06-10)The goal of this thesis is the study of the automotive push-type dry clutches used in the Automatic Manual Transmissions (AMTs) and in the Dual Clutch Transmissions (DCTs) in order to improve their performances dur- ing ... -
Advances in lubrication technology and modelling. Novel nanoscale friction modifiers - Piezoviscosity effect in EHL contacts
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2014-06-22)Lubricant additives have an important influence on the lubrication performances. These additives are active ingredients which can be added during a blending process to base oils in order either to enhance the existing ... -
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy for the on-board diagnosis of PEMFC via on-line identification of Equivalent Circuit Model parameters
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2014-04-04)Proton Exchange Membrane, also named Polymer Electrolyte Membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) are interesting devices for energy conversion. Their development is due to the high efficiency, acceptable power density, quick start-up ... -
Models for design and control of a solar-hybrid vehicle with a tracking solar roof
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013-04-09)Our planet faces significant challenges in the twenty-first century because energy consumption is expected to double globally during the first half of this century. Faced with increasingly constrained oil supplies, ... -
Development of solid oxide fuel cell stack models for monitoring, diagnosis and control applications
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013-07-26)In the present thesis different SOFC stack models have been presented. The results shown were obtained in the general framework of the GENIUS project (GEneric diagNosis Instrument for SOFC systems), funded by the European ... -
Un metodo di valutazione dell'ergonomia e del comfort delle macchine e dei luoghi di lavoro mediante misura e stima di parametri posturali
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013-04-19)Nel presente lavoro si sono definiti dei parametri antropometrici atti a descrivere i gradi di libertà, gli intervalli di movimento articolare e le posture ammissibili dal corpo umano. Sulla base di tale ricerca ... -
Optimization of SI and CI engine control strategies via integrated simulation of combustion and turbocharging
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013-04-08)Combustion engines have been for a long time the most important prime mover for transportation globally. A combustion engine is simple in its nature; a mix of fuel and air is combusted, and work is produced in the operating ... -
Simulation of supply chains dynamics using fluid-dynamic models
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013-05-07)The aim of thesis is to present some macroscopic models for supply chains and networks able to reproduce the goods dynamics, successively to show, via simulations, some phenomena appearing in planning and managing such ... -
Sperimentazione e controllo di un veicolo ibrido solare con tetto orientabile
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013-04-09)Da alcuni anni la questione energetico - ambientale è ormai diventata di dominio pubblico, perdendone magari dal punto di vista scientifico, ma diventando in grado di condizionare i comportamenti di una parte sempre ... -
Design and optimization of a protection device for laser weld beads of metal alloys for aerospace applications
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2013-09-09)In the present thesis an automated laser welding apparatus was designed and developed in order to perform laser , that allows to achieve laser welding in a controlled, versatile, efficient, reliable, simple, and economical ... -
Dynamics, identification and control of multibody systems
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-06-04)The central goal of this work is to put in an unified framework Dynamics, Identification and Control of multibody systems. A multibody system is a mechanical system constituted of interconnected rigid and deformable ... -
Controllo delle vibrazioni mediante l'uso di PAC (Programmable Automation Controller)
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-07-07)Con l'espressione 'Vibration Control' si intende l'insieme delle tecniche e dei dispositivi che consentono di mitigare in modo rapido, affidabile e preciso le vibrazioni di macchine o strutture, dovute al loro stesso ... -
Laser welding of Ti6Al4V alloy by disk laser: analysis and optimization
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-06-27)Titanium alloys have been successfully applied in many industrial fields because of their better performance and lighter weight than other commonly used structural materials. The conventional welding methods used for ... -
Energetic performance of regenerators in an active magnetic refrigerator
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-07-01)A technology that has the potential to create more efficient and compact refrigeration devices is an Active Magnetic Regenerative Refrigerator (AMRR). An AMRR can operate over a broad range of temperatures, as long as ... -
Un analisi empirica dei percorsi formativi degli studenti universitari: il caso dell‟Università degli studi di Salerno
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-07-09)Il lavoro presenta uno studio di alcuni aspetti del sistema universitario in Italia sia attraverso un’analisi normativa, evidenziando il riconoscimento di un certo grado di autonomia alle università (in particolare didattica, ...