Cultura Latinoamericana. Vol. 31 Núm. 1 (enero - junio 2020)
Immissioni Recenti
María de Maeztu: “la construcción de una nueva España
(2020)In this research article, the “construction of a new Spain” is analyzed through a qualitative methodology through the reflections of the Basque pedagogue María de Maeztu who, in the three books she published, ... -
Constitucionalismo ecológico en América Latina: de los derechos ambientales a los derechos de la naturaleza
(2020)This research articles studies with a qualitative methodology the ecological constitucionalism in Latin America. The land is not silent and the Constitutions must give it a voice: this is the great challenge of Andean ... -
La moratoria de la deuda externa en Ecuador: ¿Ideologia vs. Ideologia?
(2020)This research article studies the problem of the moratorium in Ecuador through a qualitative methodology. In 2007, Ecuador’s President, Rafael Correa, created the Integral Auditing Commission for Public Credit of ... -
El capitalismo de estado. Manifestaciones en la economía cubana
(2020)The purpose of this research article is to analyze with a qualitative methodology the manifestations of state capitalism in the Cuban economy. The term transition implies that a certain society is transformed into another, ... -
En torno a la perspectiva epistemológica del pensamiento filosófico de Medardo Vitier
(2020)This research article aims to study through a qualitative methodology the character and the relation of the theoretical and contextual elements that favor the process of construction of the philosophical thought of Medardo ... -
De-construcción, redimensionamiento y descen - tralización del objeto de la estética por José Martí
(2020)This research article study with a qualitative methodology deconstruction, resizing and decentralization of the object of aesthetics of José Martí. In the corpus of his complete works there is not only ... -
Pensadores chakanas y contrastes en torno al pensamiento crítico (Fausto Reinaga y Manuel Quintín Lame)
(2020)The present research article intends to be a contribution to the discussion about Critical Thinking, about its edges and folds, potentialities and limitations. For this, it takes with a qualitative methodology two forms ... -
Hegemo nía y sujeto: hacia una comprensión ontológica del término desde el contexto de América Latina
(2020)This research article analyzes, through a qualitative methodology, the contributions of contemporary critical thinking to an ontological foundation of hegemony. Understanding this as a subjective process of regulation of ... -
Creación de culturemas. El caso de gitanismos en el español de Cuba
(2020)In the present research article we stipulate here a principle of integration, between the morphological and the notional planes of a word, which would allow to better understand the success some lexical ... -
Community and Integration. The case study of the “Barrio Puente de Fierro” in La Plata (Argentina)
(2020)The present research article analyze, with a qualitative methodology, the case study of the Barrio Puente de Fierro in La Plata, Argentina, an emblematic example of the dynamics occurring in territories that attempt to ... -
La pobreza en los presos poblanos (1821- 1851)
(2020)Whit a qualitative methodology, this research article focuses on reflecting the situation of poverty of prisoners in Puebla, from 1821 to 1851, in public jails; the details about it will be presented thanks to the ... -
Estados anímicos musicales en el rap puertorriqueño
(2020)The following research article presents the analysis of the music moods of the Puerto Rican rappers Siete Nueve and Intifada from the study of his lyric work. The article makes an exploration of the ... -
Editoria “Patria es humanidad"