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dcterms.contributor.authorCiarletta, Mariano
dcterms.identifier.citationCiarletta, M. (2022). La emigración valdense en el Río de la Plata. Entre marginalidad historiográfica y realidad (siglo XIX). Cultura Latinoamericana, 35 (1), pp. 58-71. DOI:
dc.description.abstractThe contribution develops within the complex problem of Waldensian emigration during the nineteenth century. Keeping in mind the historiographical marginality that characterizes the emigration phenomenon in question, an attempt was made to reconstruct the articulated paths and difficulties encountered by the inhabitants of the valleys in their wanderings towards South America. around the role played by the piemontesi women’s missionary associations) with the clarification of the socio-economic contribution provided by the valley communities to the host ter-ritories which represented both for the countries of Latin America and for the neo-Waldensian settlers, a real political compromise.it_IT
dc.description.abstractEl estudio a continuación se desarrolla en el ámbito de la compleja pro-blemática de la emigración valdense durante el siglo XIX. Partiendo de la marginalidad historiográfica que caracteriza a este fenómeno migratorio, se ha intentado reconstruir los articulados caminos y las dificultades a las que tuvieron que hacer frente los habitantes de los valles en sus despla-zamientos hacia América del Sud. Tras enmarcar el papel jugado por las asociaciones misioneras femeninas piamontesas, en la parte central del ensayo se ha puesto de manifiesto la aportación socioeconómica propor-cionada por las comunidades de los valles a los territorios hospederos que representó, tanto para los países de América latina como por los neocolo-nos, un verdadero compromiso político. Palabras claveValdenses, Valdenses en el Río de la Plata, migración valdense, América latina, integración.AbstractThe contribution develops within the complex problem of Waldensian emigration during the nineteenth century. Keeping in mind the historio-graphical marginality that characterizes the emigration phenomenon in question, an attempt was made to reconstruct the articulated paths and difficulties encountered by the inhabitants of the valleys in their wander-ings towards South America. around the role played by the piemontesi women’s missionary associations) with the clarification of the socio-eco-nomic contribution provided by the valley communities to the host ter-ritories which represented both for the countries of Latin America and for the neo-Waldensian settlers, a real political compromise.it_IT
dcterms.format.extentP. 58-71it_IT
dc.rightsCC BY-NC-SAit_IT
dcterms.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dcterms.subjectWaldenses in the Rio de la Platait_IT
dcterms.subjectWaldensian emigrationit_IT
dcterms.subjectLatin Americait_IT
dcterms.titleLa emigración valdense en el Río de la Plata. Entre marginalidad historiográfica y realidad (siglo XIX)it_IT
dcterms.typeJournal Articleit_IT
dc.relation.ispartofjournalCultura Latinoamericana. Revista de estudios interculturalesit_IT
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