Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Maschere del genio fra Pirandello, Ugo Fleres, Capuana, Livia De Stefani
In an article titled Sincerità (Ariel, 1898) Pirandello criticizes the artistic simulation,
particularly the theft of other authors’ motifs and ideas. On the same topic Pirandello’s
friend Ugo Fleres writes a novel, ...
Sull’ultimo romanzo di Pirandello
Giancarlo Mazzacurati defined One, No One and a Hundred Thousand, as Pirandello’s
testamentary novel, a breathless and more or less conscious experiment of self-analysis
as well as of self-therapy». The protagonist’s ...
Pirandello e Ibsen nel perimetro di scena ronconiano
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Sinestesie, 2018)
Ibsen and Pirandello represent two pillars of the great bourgeois theatre between the
XIX and XX centuries. Their works have always been subject to critical analysis and
theatrical representation, in particular, Gengångare ...