Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Arab-Muslim theatre defended
This article re-visits Greek and Arab-Muslim theatres from the avant-garde perspective
to illuminate the aesthetics of theatre to which scholars in the School of Orientalism and
the School of Arab Intelligentsia should ...
Il teatro come spettacolo e lo spettacolo teatrale in Alberto Arbasino
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2019)
This essay analyzes the role and the function of theatre and show in the different Alberto Arbasino’s works and poetic. It points out the paradigm from melodrama to cabaret, to musical, to magazine. Inside the courses and ...
«La pratica senza la teorica»: qualche riflessione sulla memoria e sul progetto della scena in Perrucci (e nel teatro napoletano)
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2019)
The essay constitutes a first approach to a research project. It focuses on a problem related to an analysis of Andrea Perrucci’s treatise Dell’arte rappresentativa premeditata, ed all’improvviso (1699). In this book ...
Travestimenti autobiografici scarpettiani: metodologie di verifica
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2019)
This essay critically examines the autobiography of Eduardo Scarpetta, problematizing the idea of the author’s memoir as an authentic confession. Analysing several declarations written by Scarpetta, the study shows how ...
La contesa e il trionfo: Otto Brahm e le testimonianze sulla Freie Bühne
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2019)
The study examines an essay written by Otto Brahm and published in October 1909 in the «Berliner Tageblatt». A careful reading of the entire document entitled Freie Bühne, complete with the last three pages handwritten by ...
Scene per un mondo nuovo. Vanessa Bell, Duncan Grant e il Famous Women Dinner Service
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2020)
In 1933-34, the Bloomsbury Group painters Duncan Grant and Vanessa Bell honored twelve actresses and dancers from XVIIto XXcentury in The Famous Women Dinner Service, the Wedgewood dinner set which was one of Bell and ...
La performance du corps ou le corps de la performance dans ‘Seuls’ de Wajdi Mouawad
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2020)
At the crossroad of themes and cultures, Wajdi Mouawad’s writing reflects a rhizomatic array of artistic genres and the most contemporary techniques of performance. Among the writing of this playwright, Seuls constitutes ...
Antonin Artaud: il teatro come mezzo per rifare la vita
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2020)
One of the first voices of the twentieth century that invoked the essence of the theater as the man in action, in his entirety as body mind, is that of Antonin Artaud. His writings reflect his tormented existential and ...
Theatrum mundus, spectator Deus: Agostino e il rapporto tra filosofia e teatro
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2020)
Augustin works out, in his long production, a complex but unitary vision of creation; according to him, the history is the scene of the course of human actions (theatrum mundus) and God is at the same time creator and sole ...
Luigi Pirandello: la prima accoglienza della critica teatrale di Vienna e di Berlino
L’ingresso della drammaturgia di Pirandello nel
circuito dei teatri di lingua tedesca è segnato dal
debutto a Vienna, nell’aprile 1924, dei Sei personaggi in cerca d’autore (1921). Stimolato verosimilmente da quella prima ...