Now showing items 1-10 of 30
Anna Maria Mandas, Il processo contro Paolo di Tarso. Una lettura giuridica degli Atti degli apostoli (21.27-28.31), Jovene editore, Napoli 2017, pp. 334 – ISBN: 9788824324779
Anna Maria Mandas examines in a Romanistic way the juridical phase of the Saint Paul’s life that
takes place through the process to which he was subjected precisely because of his preaching. The
study examines in depth ...
Bernardo Santalucia, La giustizia penale in Roma antica, Bologna, Società editrice il Mulino, pp. 1-161
A comprehensive profile, brief and concise, of the evolution of the administration of criminal
justice in Rome, from the age of the origins to late antiquity. The author exposes the
progressive development over time of ...
Claudio Azzara, Teoderico. Storia e mito di un re barbaro, Bologna, il Mulino, 2013, pp. 166
After the fall of the Roman Empire, Theodoric the Great was the King of the Ostrogoths in Italy reign in verifying new institutional forms and systems of coexistence between barbarians and romans. The text of Claudio Azzara ...
Luigi Labruna, Romanisti e no, Jovene, Napoli, 2014, pp. 286
The volume comes from the collection of academic interventions, conferences, essays, papers on
journals and newspapers. The praefatio is written by Francesco Paolo Casavola. It deals with 23
portraits that make an ...
Elena Tassi Scandone, Quodammodo divini iuris. Per una storia giuridica delle res sanctae, Collana dell’Università di Roma La Sapienza – Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, 87 Jovene Editore, Napoli 2013 – pp.194 ISBN 9788824322782
Elena Tassi Scandone addresses the legal history of res sanctae and delimits the survey with an
analysis in four moments: the testimony of sources and interpretations of historiography; the rite of
the sulcus primigenius; ...
Leo Peppe, Civis romana. Forme giuridiche e modelli sociali dell’appartenenza e dell’identità femminili in Roma antica, Edizioni Grifo, Lecce 2016, pp. 512 – ISBN 9788869940323
The work, well developed from the point of view of the setting and adequately supported both
documentally and bibliographically, presents itself as a precise investigation of the structure and
relations between the terms ...
Paola Ombretta Cuneo, Sequestro di persona, riduzione in schiavitù e traffico di esseri umani. Studi sul «Crimen plagii» dall'età dioclezianea al V secolo d.C., Edizioni universitarie di lettere economia diritto (Led), Milano 2018
The way of transformation of a person in a slave and the discipline for the identification and the
repression of the crimen plagii in the experience and in the Roman juridical evolution are treated by
Paola Ombretta Cuneo ...
Giorgio Ravegnani, La vita quotidiana alla fine del mondo antico, Società editrice il Mulino, Bologna 2015
Giorgio Ravegnani reconstructs through a thorough investigation of the sources the daily life in
Roman society between the fourth and fifth centuries, a time of great change: affirmation of
Christianity, split into two ...
Gladiatori e schiavi
The book of the ancient historian Christian Mann narrates the life and legal status of gladiators: the place they occupied in society, the heavy practice and grueling exercises which they were subjected, the recognized ...
Teofilo di Costantinopoli. Riflessione su PT 1.11.9 = I. 1.11.9 tra novità e precisazione
The text I. 1.11.9 Sed et illud utriusque adoptionis commune est, quod et hi, qui generare
non possunt, quales sunt spadones, adoptare possunt, castrati autem non possunt as reported in PT
1.11.9 of Theophilus lends ...