• We, the European Union. Together but... far Apart 

      Donato, Stellamarina (2020)
      While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be an issue, the retaliations on nation-states’ political, socio-cultural and, more than ever, economic structures are deemed to be- or are they yet- dire. The paper aims to broadly ...
    • Welfare locale e innovazione sociale: una buona pratica dal terzo settore 

      Golino, Antonella (2016)
      The local welfare -among other possibilities-effectively enhances the contribution of volunteering and nonprofit.On the local level we can identify the third sector institutions or companies operating on ...
    • Young Muslims and Islamophobia in Italy: What is at Stake? 

      Premazzi, Viviana (2021)
      The objective of the paper is to highlight the complexity of Islam in Italy, between first and second generations, the role played by the media in depicting Islam as the ultimate other-ness, discussing whether ...