Now showing items 31-40 of 152
Divari digitali e disuguaglianze in Italia prima e durante il Covid-19
The digital divides refer to access to infrastructure and technological devices, to skills re-quired to take advantage of such access, and the structural dynamics of social inequalities, in the framework of ...
Democrazia, partecipazione e conflitto: el caliente otoño latinoamericano
This article analyzes, with a qualitative methodology, the problems underlying the delicate
correlation between representation, participation, conflict, assessed in the context of the
radical democracy studies and in ...
Oltre la rappresentazione novecentesca delle dinamiche di opinione:la riconfigurazione del modello della doxasfera
This article proposes a descriptive model of the performing areas present in the communication dynamics (doxasphere). This model allows us to redefine the bottlenecks of the concepts of public ...
Civic Participation Faces Resentment: Right-wing Movements in Brazil and the Crisis of Dem
Since 2015, Brazil has been experiencing the explosion of right-wing protests. These pro-tests were assembled by groups organised in digital media, which claimed forms of demo-cratic participation to propagate ...
La partecipazione politica nel tempo della post-democrazia
he concept of participation has been defined in different ways over time and also the prac-tices of political participation have been interpreted and classified in many different ways in the political procedures of the ...
The Topics-scape of the Pandemic Crisis: The Italian Sentiment on Political Leaders
The aim of the article is to identify themes, actors and mood of the tweets shared by users
in the period from March 25 to April 3, 2020 in Italy. It seems an extremely delicate and
complex period, because it corresponds ...
The Impact of Corona Virus on the Socio-Economic Life of Nigerians
Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered
corona virus that can be transmitted through droplets from cough and sneeze. People who
are infected can experience mild to moderate ...
Coronavirus Geopolitics. A Reflection on the Russian Case
The current pandemic has shown that, over and above the more immediate consequences to be tackled, such as the health emergency and the economic crisis, there are long-term effects that will require reflection at a global ...
The Principle of Subsidiarity and the Multilevel Citizenship: The Future of Social Inclusion
The principle of subsidiarity was formally introduced in the European Union’s legislation framework in 1992 with the Treaty of Maastricht; although already in 1986, the European Single Act authorized Community action only ...
Campagna elettorale e social media: scenari evolutivi e nuove differenze nella diffusione social del messaggio politico
The contemporary electoral campaign, that became increasingly permanent with the Net, suggests studying the field of political communication in terms of strategies for social me-dia activities. By a quantitative ...