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dc.contributor.authorCadin, Raffaele
dc.identifier.citationCadin, R. "Ultimi sviluppi sull'Organizzazione Internazionale per le Migrazioni: l'ingresso nel sistema delle Nazioni Unite e la proposta di creare una governance euro-mediterranea dei flussi migratori." Freedom, Security & Justice: European Legal Studies 3 (2018): 8-25it_IT
dc.description.abstractThe complex legal/institutional evolution that has always characterized the International Organization for Migration (IOM) culminated in the recent 2016 agreement on relations with the United Nations that defines this entity as a “non-normative organization” and frames it in the spurious category of “related organizations” to the United Nations system and not in the orthodox one of specialized agencies. In addition to dwelling on these legal concepts of not always easy interpretation, the contribution will nevertheless be directed towards addressing the vexed question of the IOM’s respect for the human rights of migrants and the normative standards designed to protect people who enjoy international protection, also in view of the acquisition by this organization of an important role in the construction of a Euro-Mediterranean governance of migratory flows.it_IT
dc.format.extentP. 8-25it_IT
dc.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dc.subjectInternational Organization for Migrationit_IT
dc.subjectUnited Nationsit_IT
dc.subjectSpecialized agencyit_IT
dc.subjectEuropean Unionit_IT
dc.subjectHuman rightsit_IT
dc.titleUltimi sviluppi sull'Organizzazione Internazionale per le Migrazioni: l'ingresso nel sistema delle Nazioni Unite e la proposta di creare una governance euro-mediterranea dei flussi migratoriit_IT
dc.typeJournal Articleit_IT
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