Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Populist Left-Wing Foreign Policy: The Case Of Kirchnerism In Argentina
This article addresses the issue of populist foreign policy in Argentina and employs a multi-methods research that combines discourse analysis, fore-ign policy analysis, and historical political reconstruction of Kirchnerism. ...
Prevención y lucha contra la violencia de género en México e Italia: semántica de las leyes y desarrollo de las políticas en un análisis comparado
This research article summarizes the chronogram of United Nations documents issued since 1993 to combat gender-based violence against women, analyzing the case of two countries in particular, Mexico and Italy, ...
La violencia de género contra las mujeres: un fenómeno glo-bal en tiempos de pandemia. Los casos de Italia y España
Gender-based violence against women (GBVAW) is a deep-rooted social phenomenon that is at its critical moment since ever, and must be ad-dressed globally. This article focuses on the issue of gender-based ...