Now showing items 1-10 of 30
Camouflaged empowerment: “frustrating/gratifying” narratives of popular women in Pedro Lemebel’s radio space
Durante los últimos años, la popularidad del escritor chileno Pedro Lemebel ha aumentado, con la aparición de un vasto número de documentales, películas, artefactos de arte callejero y canciones, que dan cuenta del ...
Procesos de legitimación de gobiernos con ideologías opuestas comparados desde una perspectiva del populismo: los casos de Chávez (Venezuela 1999-2013) y Uribe (Colombia 2002-2010)
Based on the study of the dynamics and manifestations of the legitima-tion processes of the governments of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela (1999-2013) and Álvaro Uribe in Colombia (2002-2010), the article shows the way ...
La condición humana en el pensamiento de Pablo Guadarrama González
Pablo Guadarrama is one of the most prolific Latin-American thinkers from the last quarter of the 20th century to the present day. His theoretical and practical contribution to the formation of the new generations ...
La emigración valdense en el Río de la Plata. Entre marginalidad historiográfica y realidad (siglo XIX)
The contribution develops within the complex problem of Waldensian emigration during the nineteenth century. Keeping in mind the historiographical marginality that characterizes the emigration phenomenon ...
Construcción del imaginario y cultura migratoria entre los bolivianos en Argentina
Among all migrations in Latin America, those from Bolivia to Argentina represent a considerable and persistent social phenomenon for both countries. Bolivians’ predilection for Argentina reveals a ...
Paulo Freire: historia y utopía (homenaje en el cen-tenario de su nacimiento)
Presented are some ideas of Paulo Freire about history and specifi-cally his criticism of postmodernism with his ideology of the end of his-tory, the end of socialism, the end of utopia and the end of ideologies. ...
La sémica heteroglósica de la fidelidad traductora: explorando el debate del siglo XIX
The multidimensional aspect of translation fidelity has been the unconditional protago-nist of the debate about translation theory and its practice, since ancient times. Indeed, historically and with some regularity the ...
El realismo socialista en el debate cultural cubano de la década de 1970
The Cuban revolution, in its process of symbolic formation, is articulated in a syn-thesis of the codes from the international socialist movement, concentrated in the USSR, with the elements of the national culture. The ...