Now showing items 1-7 of 7
El tema de la cultura en el pensamiento latinoamericano: la construcción de la identidad y la autenticidad
This research article analyzes, whit a qualitative methodology, ideas of
some thinkers about the place, the values and problems of identity and
authenticity of Latin American culture, in its dialectical correlation between ...
La sudamericanidad: ¿metarrelato de unidad de la mismidad o identidad en la diferencia?
The research article is a controversial study in tone if the Latin American cultural
identity is a metarrelato, an expression of unity or identity of the sameness exclusive or an identity in the difference of concrete ...
Lo andino en la historia: raíces de una elusiva identidad
The present research article shows that behind the historical process studied there is a unification of history through the paradigms of the civilizing hegemony of the West. The process, deeply and rigorously explained
through ...
Más allá de Babel. Mitos de la comunidad y políticas de la identidad entre filosofía y acción política en Europa y en América Latina
This research article proposes a confrontation between two founding narratives of different ideas or «models» of community: on the one hand, the Gemeinschaft thought by
Tönnies and reworked by Schmitt and, on the other, ...
Pentecostalismo e identidad nacional. El uso de la iconografía en los templos pentecostales de Chile
In the early years of the twentieth century, an autochthonous Pentecostalism emerged in Chile, which, among other things, differed from the rest of the Latin American Pentecostalisms by the ornamentation of its temples, ...
Banderas, escudos e identidades. Una aproximación a la invención de la nación Argentina (1806-1835)
The image that the Argentine nation has existed since the Colony or since the Revolution and Independence has been questioned for three decades. New interpretations conceive that neither the nation nor Argentina were a ...
La apropiación ilegítima de menores y la ambiguedad de la ley en el marco del plan Cóndor en Argentina
En este trabajo analizaré la evolución de las leyes de adopción en Argentina durante la dictadura militar en los años 70 del siglo XX. Se evidencia, en particular, cuánto la estructura de ...