Sfoglia Iura & Legal Systems. Volume 2 (Gennaio - Dicembre 2015) per Data di Pubblicazione
Items 1-20 di 40
L’ascolto del minore alla luce della legge n.219/2012
(2015)The aim of the work above is to provide a survey of the most prominent aspects concerning the hearing of minors. After a short introduction to state of art of the national, international and European law concerning the ... -
L’autorizzazione unica ambientale, tra esigenze di semplificazione e profili di criticità
(2015)This paper examines the institution of the Autorizzazione Unica Ambientale introduced into italian legal system by the national Legislator, on the impetus of the European Legislator, in order to simplify the bureaucratic ... -
La nozione di “consumatore medio”
(2015)The directive 2005/29/CE ≪concerning unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices in the internal market≫ is part of a series of interventions for the construction of the Single Market by hallowing the importance of ... -
La proprietà ecclesiastica dal III secolo d. C.
(2015)If it is true that Christianity, at least at the beginning of the First Century, is constituted as a phenomenon with sparse relevance for sorting roman, it is equally true that the early Christians had to find, inevitably, ... -
Justice, righteousness and Terry Pratchett
(2015)Justice, as a concept, is the foundation of the law. In this article the importance of the concept of justice and how the approach to justice is necessary to temper the law is discussed with reference to Lon Fuller’s ... -
Caio Trebazio Testa profilo di un giurista dell’età ‘di mezzo’ tra Repubblica e Principato
(2015)Caio Trebazio Testa was a jurist jurisperitus and a prestigious representative of the jurisprudence in force between Roman Republic and the Reign of Octavian. The essay describes his interpretatio, his philosophical ... -
Das porträt von Giovanni Arnolfini und seiner frau im rechtshistorischen Spiegel betrachtet
(2015)The wide range of academic writings in response to the famous Jan van Eyck portrait of the Arnolfini couple in the London National Gallery is considered by art historians as an indication of the painter’s stupendous ... -
Iole Fargnoli, Claudio Luzzati e Riccarda Dell’Oro (a cura di), La cattedra e la toga. Scritti romanistici di Aldo Dell’Oro, Milano 2015
(2015)Ten years after the death of Aldo Dell’Oro, a collection of his articles in Roman Law has been published. They concern private law institutes, the technique of the Justinian’s Digest and matters of public law. Dell’Oro ... -
Targeted killings in the U.S. policy
(2015) -
Il riconoscimento costituzionale dei beni comuni
(2015)The following processed wants to lead the way for a possible constitutional recognition of the commons, meaning those goods that they express functional utility exercise of fundamental rights and the free development of ...