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dcterms.contributor.authorDudek, Andrzej
dcterms.identifier.citationDudek, A. Соотношение религии и культуры в мысли Вячеслава Иванова. "Europa Orientalis", 35 (2016): 55-77it_IT
dc.descriptionTitolo in russo, tradotto: The Relation between Religion and Culture in the Thought of Viacheslav Ivanovit_IT
dc.description.abstractThe main focus of interest in the paper is the problem of interdependence between religion and culture as reflected in the works by Viacheslav Ivanov. The Russian poet-thinker is convinced that there is a close connection between culture and religion. Religion in the texts by Ivanov appears to be axiological horizon and the tool revealing universal truths, necessary for each culture. Ideal culture, filled with all the properties of wholeness and real being, as Ivanov sees it, should become a form of religion. On the other hand, religion by no means can be treated as a form or a part of culture. Religion itself, being extra-cultural reality, serves as a necessary source for living cultures. Slavophile’s idea of sobornost’, Soloviev’s notion of a free, spiritual theocracy, Dostoevskii’s view of demonic consequences of making the mind absolute cognitive power are traceable inspirations for Ivanov’s concept of links between religion and culture. Ivanov’s thoughts on inspired, dialogic constitution of culture are conformable to European voices of criticism towards secular humanism.it_IT
dcterms.format.extentP. 55-77it_IT
dcterms.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoit_IT
dcterms.subjectDionysiac cultsit_IT
dcterms.subjectViacheslav Ivanovit_IT
dcterms.subjectPhilosophy of Cultureit_IT
dcterms.titleСоотношение религии и культуры в мысли Вячеслава Ивановаit_IT
dcterms.typeJournal Articleit_IT
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