Alcuni cenni sulla gestione delle frontiere dell’Unione europea e la disciplina della protezione internazionale in Italia. Quali garanzie per la sicurezza e il rispetto dei diritti fondamentali?
The aim of the article is to examine some recent EU legislative acts in the
field of migration that have an impact on the fight against international terrorism in
the Schengen area and to critically analyze the regulatory developments in the
regulation of the “Schengen system”. This research leads to formulate some
observations on the complex balance between guaranteeing the fundamental rights of
migrants and the internal security of the States, also in the case of the recent
intervention by the Italian legislator on asylum and immigration, in light of the
European case law on the issue. As a result, a reformulation of the original objectives
of the Tampere European Council seems warranted, in order to ensure the effective
implementation of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, especially through a
greater control of the EU’s external borders.